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Aaron's Accutane Journal


Posted : 09/24/2014 7:23 am

So I have blood tests today and I should be starting a low dose Accutane regimen within the week. I'll be on 10mg per day for the first month, possibly increased to 20mg from the second month on until I'm clear, then continuing that dose for 2-4 months afterwards to reduce chances of remission. I've heard many horror stories about accutane, and I really want to stay as low as possible. This article is what I based my recommendation for my treatment to the doctor on. [ ]

Starting point:

At the moment my acne is in a lower outbreak phase, it seems to undulate the severity in cycles between lots of severe cystic nodules and fewer smaller nodules. I spend most of the time on the more severe side. My cystic ones have been up to an inch across, most severely along my jaw. I have it pretty bad on my back and chest as well, with lots of scarring.

I will post pictures later in my gallery.

A few questions for anyone who has taken this before:

  • Is it normal to have to take blood tests every single month?
  • Dr. told me absolutely no working out. Is this really necessary? From what I've seen, a lot of people continue to work out, but he thinks its too dangerous. He said I will essentially be a couch potato on this. Is that anyone elses experience on the low dose?

Posted : 10/01/2014 11:22 am

I'm not a dude, but I have taken Accutane before. When I was on the medication, I was required to take a monthly blood test. They do this because they want to monitor your blood levels and make sure everything is normal within your body and that the Accutane isn't affecting your health.

In regards to working out, my derm never said anything about not working out. So, if you really want to go ahead, but Accutane does make your joints dry, it makes your whole body dry, so working out may stress them out more and in result, you'll be sore and aching far more severely than you normally would. Despite this, since you are on such a low dosage, I don't see it affecting your joints that much, so I would say go ahead and exercise. Maybe just see how your body feels after your normal exercise routine, and if you find that the workout was too hard on your joints, tone it down to some light exercise.

I hope Accutane works for you and good luck with your course!
