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Tazorac With Doxycycline, Not Working?


Posted : 05/20/2014 9:28 pm

I started taking doxy and using tazorac along with aczone 3 weeks ago or so. I was using retin-a for 5 months before starting taz. I haven't peeled at all and I didn't on retin-a either. I'm still breaking out with under the skin pimples. I also feel like i get a red mark everytime a pimple goes away too. I dont pick at them.

I can't tell if this is working or is going to work. Im losing hope pretty quickly. Is there anyway to tell if it is working or not? Should i be peeling? it doesnt irritate my skin one bit. I might actually start using it in the AM as well since i only use it in the PM.


Posted : 05/25/2014 1:35 am

read my thread I made about my tazorac journey recently:

Tazorac broke me out pretty badly up till week 11.5 (I know right?). My next course of action was accutane, but everything cleared up literally on week 12. I'm on week 14 now and everything is good still. I read some posts that tazorac seemingly starts to work at a certain point (not a gradual progression of improvement). My derm said my case was not common, but it was possible. He did say that the reason why the drug makers decided on trying tazorac for 3 months was because it takes around 3 months for one layer of skin to go through a full cycle, and that 3 months should give you 50%~ improvement. Stick with it for 3 months. I was on an antibiotic as well during taz (had doxy in the past so I was on mino + ethromycin (spelling?))
