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Accutane And Jojoba Oil


Posted : 08/01/2013 3:49 pm


I started Accutane and so far I have seen some amazing results; I have only been on 30mg a day and my face has completely cleared with the exception of a few very small pimples. The only thing that is driving me absolutely insane is how dry my lips and t-zone keep getting. My skin is dry in general and I can generally tolerate that, what I cannot tolerate is when it gets red and makes me look like i'm an alcoholic. I get extremely red around my mouth area, nose, and eyes. My lips are also extremely dry, they are cracked pretty much from every angle and have a nice cold sore looking crack in my right corner of my mouth. My face is screaming for moisture, but I'm a little unsure as to how I should cater to that. The best remedy so far seems to be aloe vera, jojoba oil, followed by a thick coat of Aquaphor. It's not a miracle combination, but it seems to help at least a little bit. What I want to know is using jojoba oil counter productive? I say this because Accutane works by depleting oil production, which gives bacteria nothing to feast on. Well if I am using jojoba oil, wouldn't that give the bacteria something to feast on? I've only been using jojoba oil for 3 days and am starting to break out again, but I am unsure whether that is just the purging process of the drug or whether this means my products are causing it. Input please! Also if anyone could reply with what worked best with them for keeping their skin bearable, I could really use some tips! I've been thinking about calling my derm and asking her if there is a prescription moisturizer I could be using, but she also seems to think Cetaphil is a cure all; more like snake oil in my opinion... Also I hear your skin is EXTREMELY sensitive while on this drug and will give you permanent sun damage? Does anyone have any experience on this matter? I've read a few articles that members are getting serious burns with 110 SPF, that worries me. I understand sun exposure isn't ideal, but I don't want to become a vampire, none the less especially during Summer!


So to sum things up:

- Is using jojoba oil a good idea while on accutane?

- Are there any god send moisturizer techniques available?

- Can anything be done about the redness in my t-zone region?

- Do you guys think it's normal for my skin to get better, then start getting worse again?

- Is sun exposure really that bad during course treatment? Any solutions?


Posted : 08/02/2013 5:48 pm



Posted : 08/04/2013 3:11 pm

Instead of using jojoba oil by itself. Use 2 pumps of cetaphil moisturizing lotion mixed with 30 drops of jojoba oil day and night. Make sure you are using Dans jojoba oil. It's the only jojoba oil that doesn't cause me breakouts. Nowfoods jojoba oil breaks me out. Stop the aquaphor for now till you see if this works. For me personally and most people I know there skin adjusts after doing this for 3 days. Make sure the breakouts don't persist on the 3 days you test this method. For your lips try putting chapstick constantly and Vaseline on your lips at night.

I used this with benzoyl peroxide as my regimen for over a year and I have clear skin. I've used this method in different doses on my face, neck, chest, back, butt, and legs. And I have cleared all parts of my body.

Good Luck!


Posted : 08/04/2013 4:26 pm


I am in my fifth month of Accutane and found that both jojoba oil and Aquaphor broke my face out. I had good luck with shea butter (pure shea butter, not moisturizers that contain shea as they may have other added ingredients that cause breakouts). It's super thick but you can apply it in relatively thin or thicker amounts as needed. I would suggest testing it on a small area before using it all over your face at first though, in case you are sensitive to it. I like Cetaphil cream but found that it just wasn't moisturizing enough for me sometimes. As for the lips, when mine get really bad I use hydrocortisone ointment, you can purchase it over the counter. Follow the instructions on the label though, you can only use it so often and it's not for extended use so you have to take breaks but it really has made a world of difference for my lips. You can also use shea butter on your lips although I like it better for the skin. I also like Bag Balm for my lips as well as Aquaphor and plain 'ole Vaseline. Hope that helps and you get some relief!



(my dermatologist actually recommended the hydrocortisone for my lips, forgot to mention that)
