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Experience With Prednisone?


Posted : 05/22/2013 9:54 am

I am in a panic trying to clear a nasty breakout on my left cheek in time for the weekend (going to the beach and want to be able to enjoy myself without feeling hugely self conscious). In the past 2 months my skin started to go nuts and I've been dealing with two clusters of cystic like nodules that are huge, noticeable, and super painful. I went to a new derm yesterday and he gave me a couple cortisone shots (which have failed to give me results so far) as well as a prescription for predisone which he instructed me to take 30 mg for 3 days. I am very nervous in taking the predisone after reading about the potential side effects online, and I'm leaning towards not taking it and just hoping the cortisone shots do there thing. At the same time, I would basically do anything to get rid of this break out - it is really impeding my every day life and my confidence is at about zero, and I was thinking maybe I wouldn't experience the nasty side effects since I'm only taking it for 3 days. I was hoping people could share their experiences while taking predisone for a short period of time; any feedback or knowledge on the subject would be greatly appreciated. I do realize that for the future I should work on preventative care and I have started the regimen again, but I'm really looking for a quick fix (if that even exits in the acne world!!!)


Posted : 05/22/2013 10:19 am

Well, I've never heard of prednisone being prescribed for acne... I have asthma and I know of it to use for upper respiratory infections, so I'm not sure why your derm would prescribe that to you... Perhaps because it is a steroid like the cortisone? Anyways, side effects are more than likely to be mild but it may include dizziness and shakiness... At least those were my reactions to it and they subsided about a half hour to a hour after taking the meds.


Posted : 05/22/2013 1:37 pm

I've heard of prednisone being prescribed for acne a lot actually. Well on these boards. I know a lot of people get it when they are on accutane to help calm the usual huge breakout you get from it. I know it works wonders for people. Ive taken prednisone in the past a few times for inflammation in my joints. That is what prednisone does it gets rid of inflammation hence prescribing it for your inflammed acne.


I will say on another note I did ask my dermatologist for a short term prednisone while I was at my beginning stages of accutane and was breaking out a lot. She wouldn't give it to because it can sometimes make acne worse. She thought it would cause more harm than good. So I listened to her. Never the less I do see lots of people on this board taking it for the exact reason your dermatologist prescribed it. So don't let what my dermatologist said worry you.


As far as side effects go for the prednisone there is a lot, they are more worry some for long term usage. But things I have experienced are huge increase in appetite, really unusual dreams and trouble sleeping period. Break outs happen too. But like I said it is more with long term usage, also coming off the medication can cause body aches and cramping issues


Posted : 05/22/2013 10:35 pm

I was recently on prednisone for an asthma attack, i was on it for 5 days and my acne was 80% better in those 5 days. After the meds ran out though my acne came back even stronger. Prednisone is a steroidal anti inflammitory drug which is why it helps. My derm also told me though that steroids are known for causing break outs just as much as they are for helping subside them. I have never experienced any side effects however i have never been on th drug for more than a week at a time for my asthma. Long term effects do cause facial swelling and water retention and weight gain, i've seen this happen to my dad when he was taking prednisone for his breathing issues, his side effects were because he was on the drug for a pretty long time, a few months i think.


Anyways if you want to clear your face go for it, just dont expect it to stay away forever because in my experience it always comes back. Best of luck!
