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Accutane User


Posted : 04/22/2013 12:06 pm


Just wanted everyone to know I currently have been on Accutane now since the end of February. So far so good. Minimal side effects, not as bad as I thought they would be. I have a couple dry patches in my trouble area but no new breakouts. I also never had a mad breakout when I started the meds. I did have one prior and it cleared up within one month of taking the medication. My ski is lcear and almost 100% even. Best thing I have ever done. I hope not to have to repeat it but if I had too, I would. I found a great product to put on your skin if your dealing with really dry, chapping, peeling skin. Neosporin just came out with a cream that is in a large tube called Neosporin Eczema cream. I love it. It says you will notice a difference in 3 days. Yes, it is true, I did notice a difference and it really helped with the raw spots.


Posted : 04/24/2013 4:55 pm

Great :D

Just my two cents, when you're done with accutane, immediately stock up on some topical treatments, low dose, to maintain clear pores. Everyone is different, but that's the lession I learnt after my 1st round. Good luck!
