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More Cystic Acne After Starting Accutane?


Posted : 04/02/2013 12:18 pm


I've had acne all my life. I have been avoiding accutane for 8 years now but finally caved in when my acne has started to become antibiotic resistant (I've been taking antibiotic for 8 years). Before starting accutane the cystic acne that I started to get after my antiobiotic stopped working were in my scalp. I'm 11 days in my accutane regimen (20mg per day) and I'm getting more cystic acne on scalp, I have acne now on my face and some in the back of my ears. My derm told me that for the first few weeks accutane will get my whiteheads out so I'll be getting more of them, but she never told me about getting more cystic acne breakouts. Is this normal and should I just ride it out or is this something that I need to tell my doctor about?

Thanks for your help!


Posted : 04/02/2013 2:15 pm

Thats normal. Your going to break out more the first month then it improves after that. I wouldnt judge your skin till about 3 months in.


Posted : 04/02/2013 8:18 pm

I would call their office though the might say the same thing as previous poster! There are some who develop a rare form of acne from accutane! Are Theese sebaceous cysts? If so accutane won't work on them!

If its hormonal you should try spiro or find out what hormonal imbalance you have
