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Is This Working Or Making It Worse?


Posted : 03/23/2013 12:26 am


Just 3 days ago i got prescribed Doryx as the first step to try to deal with my acne. My Dr suggested that I use clearisel with this which I am, where i used to use something called "Eyra Care", whos bottle is brown.

Now, I used to exphoiliate every night with the eyra care and am doing the same with the clearisil, along with taking a capsule 3 times a day every day.

Heres my problem; ive noticed that more "puss" (or the oil stuff) is coming to the pimples since i made the switch. Is this working, or making this worse? Should i revert back to my Eyra care stuff?

Im 16 years of age, have a relatively healthy diet, drink 2L minimum of water every day (i subsitute most drinks for water) and never pick at my skin.



Posted : 03/23/2013 5:49 am

Any derm that recommends clearasil when they have an arsenal of medication at their disposal is an idiot. Antibiotics can take a while to work and acne will come back once you stop so it is not a recommended course of action for tretaing acne long term. Have you tried the regimen?

It will usually get worse before it gets better but if after 3 months you are not seeing consistent improvement (not total clearance), then reconsider what you are doing. Also, lay off the exfoliation, causes unecessary irritation, especially for those of us with active acne.

Atralin (a type of retin A) was the least irritating retinoid i tried.


Posted : 03/23/2013 6:14 am

Any derm that recommends clearasil when they have an arsenal of medication at their disposal is an idiot. Antibiotics can take a while to work and acne will come back once you stop so it is not a recommended course of action for tretaing acne long term. Have you tried the regimen?

It will usually get worse before it gets better but if after 3 months you are not seeing consistent improvement (not total clearance), then reconsider what you are doing. Also, lay off the exfoliation, causes unecessary irritation, especially for those of us with active acne.

Atralin (a type of retin A) was the least irritating retinoid i tried.

Thankyou so much for that, appreciate it.

It was my GP who put me on that, I dont know why he didnt send me to a derm, though, my acne is id say mild though i have a fair bit. Havent heard of the regimen, ill look into it now, though.

Ill for sure lay off, though I use clearasil to shave with (whip up a nice lather) every day.

Again, thanks a heap.


Posted : 03/23/2013 11:09 am

Yeah, it seems really really odd that he would tell you to use a simple over-the-counter facewash (which, honestly, isn't even that great of quality) instead of giving you a script for a potent topical.

If you haven't been to the derm, I'd try that.


Posted : 03/23/2013 8:24 pm

Thanks guys,

though would you know whether its making it better or worse on the basis of my acne beginning to have oil at the tip?


Posted : 03/23/2013 10:18 pm

Depends. What are the active ingredients? Usually more pus in acne lesions after beginning treatment is a sign of more immune activity (buildup of dead leukocytes).


Posted : 03/24/2013 4:55 am

Thanks for that


Posted : 03/25/2013 12:03 am


bump, still need help



Posted : 03/25/2013 12:01 pm

Well, just based on the very very little I know about IB's an such, I would say if stuff is coming to the surface it is doing a good job of clearing whatever is underneath. If it concerns you that much you can call your doctor and ask if it is normal. They do make enough money off of you to help you along in your treatment. I bug my derm all the time. but she doesn't seem to mind as long as I'm asking legitimate questions. My old derm used to be a total d*ck and I would never have called him. That, coupled with the fact that he didn't listen to me when I said my skin was sensitive and thus put me on a topical that made ALL the skin on my face peel off, was why I decided to switch and I am very happy that I did. We here can help you with what info we have read & experience, but we aren't actual experts.
