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7 Years Since I Took Accutane, Promised Myself Never Again But Now Considering It 🙁


Posted : 01/18/2013 10:18 am

I have been close to acne free since my course 7 years ago, just the od break out here and there, nothing to contact the dermatologist about!


However this past 6 months have been hell, I am coming out in cystic acne yet again and when I come out in one, by the next day there is 3 or 4 in the same area.


I suffered badly with sore joints on accutane, thats the reason I promised myself I would never take it again. I had never suffered a joint injury in my life, when I took accutane my joints got so sore I had to give up the gym and give up sport.


When I got back to sport, I suffered several injures in different joints, the worst of all being a bicep tendon tear, which is extremely for someone of my age....I don't think it was a coincidence.


Now that I am an adult, is it possile to take acctune and not suffer the same symptoms that I did back when I was in my teens? Is it possible to run low doses.


My acne isn't terrible at the moment, it is however far from good, its bad enough to make me consider using accutane again.




Posted : 01/18/2013 10:37 pm

Hey Chrissy,


I just want to chime in as someone who has taken accutane multiple times. When I was on each course I also had joint pain, specifically lower back pain. I also played baseball (pitcher) throughout each course and it resulted in me having excess cartilage built up in my shoulder joints --> led to having to get one of them operated on to see if I could get it back to normal. So, I can understand your pain. But, in all honesty, you just need to limit "violent" physical activity during your accutane course and you will minimze any poor side effects like joint pain, etc.


Also, drink LOTS of water each day during your accutane course. It will help with the joints.


If accutane kept you clear for SEVEN years, that's fantastic! Trust your dermatologist, and ask him/her any questions you're having. Rely on them moreso than those of us on this board.


Good luck!!


Posted : 02/11/2013 9:18 pm

hey erb27, we have been looking for a post related to accutane and sports. My 14 yr old is on a 5 month course taking 40mg.

she plays club volleyball and the joint pain at first was really bothering her. Chrissy, my daughter started stretching everyday am and pm and before any practice, she rides an exercise bike for 15 minutes and takes a motrin. After practice, she ices the knees. The stretching everyday, good warm up, motrin and fish oil have resolved the joint pain.

Erb, Were you throwing during mulitple courses of accutane? Do you think it was the multiple courses or do you think the one course of accutane and physical exertion caused the cartilidge build up? I assume in the throwing arm?

Would you do it over? play ball knowing the accutane could cause this? I want to show this to my daughter b/c i am worried about injury later on after the accutane. No way we can talk her out of stopping volleyball, sure you know how she feels!

Thanks for any input

Chrissy, as to the acne today, i still have on and off bouts with acne and i have found that Dan's Regimen works! I use the Aveeno foaming wash for extra sensitive skin, a 5% BP that is a gel form from kaiser (no white reside and pretty cheap. Dan recommends the 2.5% but my skin is so tough i am ok with 5%). I alternate a 10% AHA lotion and applying CeraVe moisturizer depending on how dry i feel. I NEVER used a moisturizer on my face before the Regimen; now i can't live w/o it b/c i have no breakouts. The Regimen has completely cleared me. The Regimen really works if you follow it exactly.
