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Major Breakout After Using Cephalexin


Posted : 01/09/2013 9:45 am

I'm 44 yrs old and have been dealing with acne my entire life.I have been on various anti-biotics (oral&topical) forever. They help control my skin problems but have NEVER solved my acne issues. HELP! Doctors just keep feeding me meds. I get small painful cyst under my skin (face and sometimes scalp and back). Currently I'm on cephalexin. Doctors put me on it for two months and for the first time in my adult life my skin stayed clear. About a week after finishing the prescription I had a horrible breakout. Do I have to be on antibiotics my whole life? This has to be some type of imbalance. Since then I've been put back on cephalexin. Can anyone out there give me some advice on what I can do to help solve this issue? Could probiotics be an answer?


Posted : 01/09/2013 10:08 am

that sounds like me the last few years. every single time i tried to go off antibiotics i would start breaking out again so then i just kept going back on them. i was pretty clear for a while and now i am getting a lot of cystic acne so my derm has me on spironolactone because they think my acne is hormonal. i was on doxy and then it just stopped working so my derm put me on zithromax then erthromycin and neither one did anything at all for my acne so i just stopped taking them. i am going to try and just deal with whatever is happening to my skin now because my derm wont prescribe me any other antibiotic at this point and i am fine with that. i think they can be a good short term thing but i do believe they end up doing more damage later on. i always took probiotics and they never seem to do anything for my acne but you can definitely try them. where do you breakout mostly? if your acne is hormonal then you should look into spiro. they can start you slow to see how your body react to the med and then they can increase the meds once you are used to it.


Posted : 01/09/2013 10:22 am

that sounds like me the last few years. every single time i tried to go off antibiotics i would start breaking out again so then i just kept going back on them. i was pretty clear for a while and now i am getting a lot of cystic acne so my derm has me on spironolactone because they think my acne is hormonal. i was on doxy and then it just stopped working so my derm put me on zithromax then erthromycin and neither one did anything at all for my acne so i just stopped taking them. i am going to try and just deal with whatever is happening to my skin now because my derm wont prescribe me any other antibiotic at this point and i am fine with that. i think they can be a good short term thing but i do believe they end up doing more damage later on. i always took probiotics and they never seem to do anything for my acne but you can definitely try them. where do you breakout mostly? if your acne is hormonal then you should look into spiro. they can start you slow to see how your body react to the med and then they can increase the meds once you are used to it.


Hi Tracy thanks for the reply. Most of my breakouts occur on my face. I believe that my acne is hormonal. I've mentioned it to my derm but but I get very little response from her (may need to look for another one). Going to look into spironolactone.


Posted : 01/09/2013 10:39 am

you are very welcome. my derm claims that if your acne is more on the lower half of your face and around your jawline that is hormonal so i think the spiro could work really well for you and yeah it might be time to switch derms for sure. mine pretty much told me that i needed to take it because they wont be giving me accutane. keep me updated.


Posted : 01/09/2013 8:13 pm

I have been on every antibiotic known to man, and my acne would always come back when the prescription ended.


Many women experience success on hormonal treatment.
