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Zit: The One That Will Not Die


Posted : 12/12/2012 3:25 pm

I'm a 23 year old guy who began taking Accutane 40mg a day about 2 months ago for my moderate but persistent acne (Haven't upped the dosage). During the first two weeks, there was a minor breakout, but since then it has mostly calmed down, and I currently only have about 3 or 4 minor blemishes, coupled with some red marks, but no big deal about those. However there is one, one persistent pimple that has been with me since before I started taking Accutane. So this zit has been with me for about 2 and a half months now, it's fairly small, but the size actually fluctuates, it's mostly under the skin, and the skin that is on top and surrounding it, is a blackish colour, not a good looking blemish.


It used to be a much larger warzone with two or three other zits crammed in there and when then healed they left the black and damaged skin, which I think is the reason that there is still active zit troops stationed there. Anyway I was wondering if anyone here had any similar circumstance happen to them with a stubborn zit that just won't go away. Thanks.


Posted : 12/13/2012 1:57 am

I actually have the exact same thing on my right cheek. It began as three stuck together and every once in a while one of the three, or sometimes two, would swell up. Now, however, they've been turning into white heads that eventually ooze but even after it opens, I still have a red hard bump. Its disgusting honestly. I am also on accutane, but have been on it for just a month. Will start my second month tomorrow.


Before my dermatologist used to inject them with cortisone. That made a huge difference for me! Unfortunately I have moved over seas and doing this procedure is foreign to people here. So I'm stuck with this nasty thing on my face :-( I can't wait til I see the effects of accutane.


I was on accutane before and never had my acne go worse so this time around is much different for me.

Anyhow, Good luck!
