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How Bad Is My Skin( Picture Included)


Posted : 11/14/2012 1:48 pm

Im 17. Had bad skin from the age of 12. Tried all market products, went to dermatolog once he set me up on Avitcid and Tetralysal antibiotics for 200 days. I did them for 100 days cause it didnt help me at all. Now I have been using Sebamed to wash my face daily. But Its not going away..I cant go out or chill with friends or go to dates or anything cause i shame myself too much. Is this really bad skin or im just overthinking..?


Posted : 11/14/2012 2:36 pm

That's not even acne


Posted : 11/14/2012 3:03 pm

I don't even know what your doing here , if you have a hard time going out then no offense inteded but you should go to a psychiater.

I would not use anything than a cleanser and a moisturize on that.


Posted : 11/14/2012 3:08 pm

you guys are so rude. just because he doesn't have severe, huge cysts on his face and back doesn't mean it doesn't distress him.. anyway, i do see a few reddish bumps.. not too much acne though? you seem to have an issue with skin texture. you could try retin-a.


Posted : 11/14/2012 3:47 pm

Looks like your skin is irritated.

With some skin flesh bumps

asdgg1 liked

Posted : 11/14/2012 4:31 pm

Wow, i didnt expect to get so rude comments..thanks for the answers anyway..i just need to build self confidence..its hard ):where I could get those? Do they sell in general stores or do I need to go pharmacy or something? sorry my english is not that good im from finland smile.png


AND i had ance like few years ago, or idk if it was acne but hell a lot pimples. now this is whats left from that :/


Also my nose and the area around is filled up with white and blackheads..any tips for those?


Posted : 11/14/2012 5:28 pm

I had to magnify the pictures to see your spots. They're very, very, uber mild. Milder than mine. And my dermtologist pretty much admitted he was only giving me meds to make me feel better after grabbing my chin and staring up close at my face.


I understand how the tiniest flaw can look like a huge thing to us, but I wouldn't class your problem as acne now - just a few residule bits from previous acne, or possibly some skin irritation. And I always notice spots (pimples, whiteheads - however you want to phrase it) on people now that I have mild acne.


The best thing you can do is try to focus on building your character - and no, I don't mean you're ugly, I just mean that we can attract people to us by making a glowing first impression of our personalities. People are always more willing to talk to somebody with a smile on their face that looks them in their eyes. Work on making other people feel good and like you're engaging with them and you really want to know about them. They'll fall in love with you before you know it.


Posted : 11/14/2012 6:01 pm

Asdgg1 your skin is fine and I promise you that you do not have acne. The images that you have posted are very magnified and I`m pretty certain that from a distance, the blemishes are not even noticeable.


I can fully understand where you are coming from - I know from personal experience that once you have had acne and suffered the emotional and psychological crap that goes with it, a certain amount of paranoia develops and any blemish, spot or imperfection is picked up on and magnified tenfold.


Easier said than done but you are 17 so try to concentrate on having fun and forget about your skin as it really is not anything to worry about.


Posted : 01/28/2013 5:36 pm

This is nothing...
