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duac gel burnt my skin


Posted : 10/10/2010 10:43 pm

i just introduced my self in the new members forum.


about four months ago i was prescribed duac as my face had been playing up and i was getting huge blind pimples and i will be a bridesmaid at my sisters wedding in a few weeks so i asked for something to clear it up...


problem is, it severly burnt my skin...

i went to another doctor who told me it hadnt but now four months on the scarring is bad... really bad :(


it has made me so deprsessed and i will be going to the doctor for a referral to a dermatologist but im so worried that is had perminatly scarred my face.

and now i will have scarring in all the wedding photos. yep it sucks!!!


has this happened to many other members?


Posted : 10/10/2010 11:18 pm

I am so sorry to hear what happened to your face :(


When you say it burnt your skin, do you mean it is bright red and sore? I remember a couple of weeks back, actually 4-5 weeks back, it severely irritated my face and it wwas bright red and burning and irritating for a while. I just stopped taking it for a day or 2 then it got better.


Maybe just don't use it for a couple of days and it should be fine. Hopefully it hasn't permanently scarred your face and don't worry, you will look beautiful at your sister's wedding. Good luck


Posted : 10/10/2010 11:41 pm

that is how it started, the burning red ithcy dryness...


but it literally burnt my skin.


i have used pro activ and another acne treatment and it did the same thing but it healed by now

im not sure if its not healing because i have been really sick or if it has done real damage.


the scarring is purple (i dont know alot about scars) i have extremely fair skin


my mum thinks they will fade as they arent dented or raised (only tiny parts are dented) but you can see lines everywhere


every once in a while they start to fade really well.

but then they start to get dry and scab up and then peel again

if i apply moisturiser then they go bright red and itchy


thankyou for saying i will still look beautiful. my boyfriend tells me everyday that i am still beautiful but sometimes its just so hard to believe



Posted : 10/11/2010 2:18 am

Dam, I think you might be allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide. I have tough skin on my face yet I still got irritated so I had to take a break then and there. I will suggest you don't apply anything to your face for a week or so other than water and a gentle skin cleaner such as a cetaphil.


They will definitely fade and disappear and I am sure it will be much better if not almost perfect by your sister's wedding day. I would definitley book in an appointment with skin doctor to check out your skin.


Good luck!


Posted : 10/11/2010 2:43 am

thanks for the encouragement... although its been like 4 months so i dont think its going to get better so soon :(


Posted : 10/16/2010 1:10 am

reading your post, it seems you are allergic to BP. i do not think duac specifically would burn your skin, maybe all 5 percent bps?


Posted : 10/19/2010 5:51 am

Oh no, poor you. It does sounds like an allergy and maybe some sort of chemical burn type reaction?


I'd go to see a derm as a matter of urgency! And probably not put anything on your face cleanser-wise at all, just splash water. Maybe some type of thick, antiseptic ointment that would form a protective barrier over the area would help it to heal up (you could ask a pharmacist) though think it'd be better to see a derm right away to get the correct treatment.


I hope it heals up soon. Sounds like for some reason (maybe infection?) it is not healing properly.


Posted : 08/31/2016 5:18 am

Its really difficult to give advice because everyones Duac Gel story is different. I was prescribed it 2 weeks ago and during the first week, my acne almost disappeared, my results were incredible. However, as I kept applying it each night, the redness and itching began. At times I felt as though i had nettle stings across my face and down my neck. Then, during these past few days my whole face has swollen, my nose and cheeks have blistered and even though my spots have gone, I feel less happy with my complexion as I did before using the treatment. I have decided to skip 2 doses and see if my swelling calms down.


Posted : 09/23/2016 12:05 am

I had some similar effects from two uses of tazorac and I'm freaking out, not quite the same as what you are describing tho, can you post pictures?

Edit: look at my post "tazorac destroyed my face" and tell me if what you are dealing with is similar..if be very curious to know


Posted : 10/19/2016 7:07 pm

I experienced really dry, sensitive, itchy skin when I first started using Duac gel. I combatted this by only wearing it for about 3 hours a day instead of overnight (I'd just put it on in the evening when I got home and then washed it off at bed time) and then slathered my face in E45 the rest of the time. Got rid of my acne and no dry, red-raw skin!
