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Month 3 on Accutane and still breaking out


Posted : 03/12/2009 4:27 pm

I'm in the middle of my third month on Accutane, and I'm still breaking out. My skin looks just as bad, if not worse, as when I first started the treatment. To be more specific, I am currently on my 68th day of treatment. New acne surfaces every couple of days, and just when I think I'm gonna be done with active pimples, a couple new ones pop up.


Is this normal? From what I've read, the third month is where people's skin begins to vastly improve. I'm worried that the medicine is not working, but I am obviously going to stick with it, having come this far already. Like all of you, I can't wait for the days of clear skin so I can just live my life and not have to constantly look at the world through the eyes of somebody filled with acne.


Every day that passes is another day closer to being done with the treatment which is very exciting, but every day that passes without my skin improving is another day towards a failed treatment. Should I expect my skin to become clear in a matter of weeks? When? At the end of this month? Next month? In month five?


The only hope I still have is that I'm really only about halfway done. I still have 82 more days I'll be taking Accutane. I hope this gets better.


Posted : 03/12/2009 4:30 pm

Well what does your dermatologist say about it?

He's gone to school for this stuff... so I'd just listen to him :P

If you're still taking it, I'm sure it's just your skin slowly adjusting.


Posted : 03/12/2009 4:38 pm

Im on exactly the same day. Guess what im still breaking out as well, your not alone! Don't worry you will stop breaking out any day soon. People just have different times for the purging stage to finish so dont panic.


Posted : 03/12/2009 6:04 pm

I'm on day 58 and I'm still breaking out, too. It's driving me crazy...I really want it to stop. :(


Posted : 03/13/2009 7:49 am

I'm on day 67 and I'm still breaking. The spots are smaller than before and they are less frequent, but I'm still getting new spots every day or every other day. It is very frustrating.


Posted : 03/13/2009 8:11 am

really quite normal, don't worry.


Posted : 03/14/2009 4:12 am

Hey, I'm 74 days into my course and my skin still looks horrible and I still get zits and have tons of whiteheads under the skin. Well I think we should wait until the end of this third month to see what will become of us because it's different for every individual, some see the result almost immediately, some until their very last month still break out badly. The most important thing is to stick with the drug and stay positive.


Posted : 06/03/2009 5:58 pm

wut dosages are u guys on


Posted : 06/06/2009 7:53 am

i am almost finishing month 4, and i still have some minor breakouts.. :(


Posted : 06/06/2009 9:11 am

I broke out consistently until the 100 day mark and then it started to ease off. Now, I am on day 145 and I haven't had a cyst or major pimple in about a month.


Posted : 06/06/2009 5:13 pm

mhm..its day 74 and i am still breaking out as well....but over all my skin looks way better than it did before....


Posted : 06/07/2009 3:28 pm

I'm on my first week of the 3rd month of accutane, my face has cleared up dramatically, i dont break out on it anymore, but my face wasn't a huge problem to begin with.. my back is the problem i have alot of scars and active cystic acne, and thats why i decided to go on the accutane. well, im in my third month and still breaking out pretty bad its just really dry, so your not alone i mean i was told i might not see a result until the beginning of the fourth month, so dont fret, youll see results.


Posted : 06/07/2009 4:22 pm

im about to finish my 4th month nd i still have few active acne on my face but not as bad as 4 months ago i just have red marks and some white heads left ,dont worry about it tho stick with it and accutane will make it better...goodluck


Posted : 05/19/2019 10:06 am

On 6/6/2009 at 9:11 PM, ForSure said:

I broke out consistently until the 100 day mark and then it started to ease off. Now, I am on day 145 and I haven't had a cyst or major pimple in about a month.

This post really motivated me to stick with the drug.Its my day 84 and Im still breaking out.Yall just need to be positive and trust the process. 🙂


Posted : 05/20/2019 1:31 am

If you continue to break out on acutane you probably have fungal acne, NOT ordinary acne. Fungal acne is caused by taking antibiotics, birth control pills, a few other meds, and possibly (?) by taking accutane.

Indications that you have fungal acne are one or more of the following - treatments for ordinary acne do not work and you still have acne, especially cystic acne, after a long period of treatment for ordinary acne, you have taken antibiotics, you have a a white tongue and/or dandruff and/or flaking skin (which can, of course, also be caused by taking accutane), itchiness, a red rash or general skin redness, keratin plugs, possibly ingrown hairs, the acne-like symptoms spread, you possibly have unexplained headaches or tiredness or irritable bowel syndrome, you possibly have sinus problems.

The safest and best treatment for most fungal acne is topical antifungal creams such as clotrimazole cream, combined with using antidandruff shampoo, dusting with antifungal powder, and not using any moisturiser or organic oils on your skin (fungus LOVES moisture and one type of fungal acne lives on organic oils).

I am happy to provide more targeted advice if people get back to me, and let me know which, if any, of the above symptoms they have along with the acne or acne like symptoms.

Very few doctors understand fungal acne, and most will deny its existence in otherwise healthy people.



Posted : 05/20/2019 7:47 pm

I think i have it


Posted : 05/20/2019 7:55 pm


Yes, you probably do, along with the other posters on this thread. Can you advise me which of the following symptoms/conditions you have..

Indications that you have fungal acne are one or more of the following - treatments for ordinary acne do not work and you still have acne, especially cystic acne, after a long period of treatment for ordinary acne, you have taken antibiotics, you have a a white tongue and/or dandruff and/or flaking skin (which can, of course, also be caused by taking accutane), itchiness, a red rash or general skin redness, keratin plugs, possibly ingrown hairs, the acne-like symptoms spread, you possibly have unexplained headaches or tiredness or irritable bowel syndrome, you possibly have sinus problems.

And I will get back to you.


Posted : 05/07/2023 11:14 pm

Does anyone know how to start a discussion? Im new here and I would like to share my experience. Thank you!
