Soothing the skin w...
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Soothing the skin with aloe


Posted : 08/15/2023 9:36 am

Maybe this is common sense, but just thought I'd throw it out there. I'm almost 30 and throughout my 20s have had to deal with white pimples on my face. Sometimes they happen on my chest as well. I've tried BP but it doesn't seem to consistently work for me. What's worse, it can leave white flakes on my skin that then have to be scrubbed and washed off. So I still haven't found a magic bullet.

But one thing you can do is use an aloe vera lotion after the pimple has been popped to soothe the skin and reduce redness. I don't think it prevents acne but it definitely helps with the look of the skin. I've been using Jergens soothing aloe lotion. If the pimple leaves an open sore you can get it to close up quicker with Neosporin.

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Posted : 09/13/2023 10:46 pm

I don't see any way to delete or edit this post so I'll just give an update. After further reading, Neosporin is bad to use and can make the bacteria that causes acne resistant to it. Aloe should be fine but doesn't do much.
