Acne Cysts Come Bac...
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Acne Cysts Come Back Like a Bad Penny


Posted : 04/22/2019 12:35 pm

Hey people, I'm new to this site. I've been struggling with my skin for years... I've tried at least 5 different topicals and 3 different oral antibiotics, but nothing quite worked.

I only get acne on my forehead. Since 2014, my forehead has variously been red and sore, oily, or covered in pimples. Its much better than it was 2 or 3 years ago, but I still get large, painful acne cysts from time to time. My skin has been hyperactive since October... I've had 4 different cysts which have each lasted 2 - 3 weeks. 3 of the cysts have been above my left brow... a new one is forming, which you can just make out in this pic.

I've been using tretinoin and a benzoyl peroxide face wash since Nov. I've also taken 2 rounds of doxycycline... neither seem to be helping. I started seeing a new derm, who prescribed solodyn and epiduo forte. Do you think these meds will help with my specific issue? Is it diet, hygiene, or something else? I'm feeling overwhelmed and I could use some guidance. Namaste! 



Posted : 04/22/2019 7:06 pm

You most likely have candida or malasezzia (which are both fungi) caused, or made worse, by the antibiotics. Do you have dandruff or flaking skin (indicative of malasezzia). Do you have a white tongue (and maybe unexplained tiredness or headaches) (indicative of candida). If you let me know the answers to these questions and which country you live in, I can provide information on what topical antifungal cream/s to use to control the problem.

From the photos, it looks like you have candida - I'll get back to you about how to treat candida after I hear back from you.

In the meantime I would not take any more antibiotics (solodyn is an antibiotic).
