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The Secret Reason People have Acne


Posted : 03/26/2019 11:23 am

I found out the secret reason for acne. The truth is not being made known to the population intentionally. There is a huge coverup and a dangerous agenda by nefarious groups that work in the U.S. miitary. I would first like to tell you that you are being lied to by the medical authorities who hide the truth about all diseases which have the same underlying source and cause of the problem. I would like to tell you how nefarious and deceptive our world is to lie to us. Bayer pharmaceucals is a spinoff of the company that worked with Hitler and was called, IG Farben in Nazi Germany. They are the ones that allegedly built the Aushwitz death camps according to holocaust survivors and provide the the medicine for cancer, which is mustard gas, and kills 97% of cancer patients within 5 years. They call it chemo, but it's a Nazi weapon. And so is the underlying cause of acne, cancer, MS, diabetes and all diseases. That is caused by the same substance that is being secretly put in our air, food and water. We are being deceived and lied to for decades. And the human population is walking around being bombarded with brain altering substances that are now sprayed in our air by the U.S. military factions (Secret Space Program, MKULTRA etc.) that are in collusion with Nazi forces who reside in the Antartica Nazi bases, and underground bases, like Dulce where strange personages reside, and Nazi experimentation is going on.
The substances that are causing the acne are electronic implant substances that are being sprayed into the air everyday by U.S. military planes. The substance is called, Smart Dust and it is comprised of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is sold on the internet, and is the biggest thing in medicine now. Nanotechnology are tiny particles that may be invisible to the naked eye. But sprayed in the air via dust clouds and breathed in by the human population is the main reason for acne, cancer, diabetes, MS, epilepsy, obesity, fatigue, neurological issues etc. And vaccinations are also being used to experiment on humanity injecting brain destroying substances that is leaving 1 out of 60 children debilitated with autism. A man made disease due to experimentation by the Nazi factions that are colluding with the U.S. military secret areas, that control the President of the U.S. and all govt. They are all lied to as well, and used to make us believe we are protected as a human race, but we are not. We are being destroyed by design.
You can prove you acne is nanotechnology electronic implants by purchasing a non contact volt meter at home depot for 15 dollars. Scan your skin, scalp, spine. Then scan your fruits and veggies. You will see the little meter that looks like a pen, will beep indicating electronic substances in your body and food. Scan your pets, too. We area all breathing in filaments of nanotechnology, gel substances that are sprayed as dust, and tiny particles that look like black dots, but can be all different colors due to the plastics that are used. The reason people have acne is because the body is rejecting the foreign materials. As the human race is not designed to have electronic foreign materials in the body.
You can also find reports of the environmental spraying at sites such a Carnicome Institute. He does not mention what the materials are because our govt has assasinated thousands of scientists, doctors over the past couple of years, and tons more over the decades. Starting with the torture and assasination of the first man to have a cancer cure in the early 1900's, who was named, Royal Rife. Since then thousands or tens of thousands of scientists are assassinated and tortured for trying to bring forth information. Our country is not a safe country. It has secretly been infiltrated by a Nazi group that is not us, but a group that worked behind Hitler. They are residing in the Antartica region and you can find evidence on youtube by listening to Steve Quayle or Linda Moulton Howe on the secret Antartica Nazi bases. America went down there with General Byrd many decades ago to fight them, but may have lost. This info is secret. These Antartica factions have taken over control of the US govt. And there are many divisions of govt that are far above congress and the President. The President is merely a PR spokesperson told what to say and do. And in the background a demonic, satanic agenda is being thrusted upon humanity, that is unsustainable, and will lead to a huge problem
Why are they doing this to us? Well, if you go back and study Hitler's agenda, he talked about a "New Race". This ties to those who reside in Antartica, the anti-Christ. And the Ant creatures that reside in the underground Dulce bases, that you can view by looking up "Grays" and military whistleblowers on google. And study the truth of who really runs the psychosis that is going on in the world and this country. Hitler was a part of secret societies called, the Thule and Vrill. And this is what is behind this agenda. And connected to "Ant"-Artica (Anti-Christ agenda). No one is bringing forth to Christians who the ANT-Ichrist is. Well, here you go folks. The ANTI-Christ is in Ant-Antartica, and reside in the underground Dulce bases, and do not look like us.
Why are they causing us skin issues? The anti-christ agenda of those who have infiltrated the U.S. military is world domination, and a takeover of America, and the entire world. As Hitler wanted, but he was merely a front, for the agenda of those who were using him as a puppet. But he did not succeed, but they secretly kept working on their agenda, and took over America.
They are spraying our air with nanotechnology particles. They are electronic implant devices coming in many shapes and forms, and sizes. We breath in the particles, they get stuck in our skin. The anti-christ system is using our cell towers, satellites, smart meters, internet, wires in our homes, electronics, and cell phones to interact with these electronic substances that we are all breathing in. This is a total control agenda to takeover the bodies, and minds of the human race. They are using a giant supercomputer to interact with the cell towers, satellites, drones, smart phones, internet and all electronic systems to setup an electronic prison to control humanity. And our govt is going on along for the ride, and has sold out the human race decades ago. We are being turned into a "cyborg" race, part human, taken over by electronic cybornetic technologies. All without our consent!! And the people in govt, may not even know the big picture, and are just being payed to do their part, and may not know what is going on. But, there are those who do know. And are participating in the assassinations of innocent doctors, scientists, humanitarians, whistleblowers and spiritual teachers, and leaders and regular people.
The nanotechnology dust sprayed into our air are called, "chemtrails". You can watch the youtube movie, "What on Earth are they Spraying" or watch videos from scientists about the dangers. Nanotechnology is extremely dangerous. Using the nanotechnology connected to the electronic grid ,these evil forces are able to get inside our bodies. They can remotely do many things such as give us heart attacks, strokes, suffocation, paralysis, brain injury, severe fatigue, cancer and other diseases. And they are doing this to people all over the country. Many people think they have cancer, MS, Diabeties, obesity, epilepsy, but they are all suffering from an overload of this electronic substance that does not belong in the human body. If you look at cancer sores, and diabetic sores, you will see a black shiny material. Google images show them. And this is nanotechnology. If you look at black and blue marks on the body, have you ever wondered what causes black marks??? It has to be unatural to the human body. It has to be this nanotechnology. How long has this nefarious underground group been experimenting on humanity? Does it date back to the days in the bible, thousands of years ago, the enemies of God? I believe it is hinted in the bible, I believe these are the ones who fought against Hebrews. I believe these are the ones who tempted man as symbolized by the serpent. These are the enemies of the human race, hiding underground, in mountain bases, and other bases. See steve Quayle's book on Amazon about the secret Antartica bases to see that those hiding there are not our genetics. But are secretly destroying humanity, and playing everyone for fools.
Why won't you find this information on tv? It's controlled by the CIA which was started by the Nazi's. The CIA, FBI, NASA, Federal Reserve,IRS are not U.S. government entities. But according to Judge Anna Von Reitz, are part of this secret takeover of our govt. Our income taxes go overseas to the Royal families, and do not even go diretly to our government. We work for the Royals and this corrupt foreign entity. A conglomerate of evil that works underneath the Antartica Nazi conglomerates that have underground facilities all over the world.
So the doctors do not know the truth, unless they start to break free of the brainwashing of the mainstream medical system that is controlled by the Nazi agenda. And holistic doctors are the only ones I go to now, but even they don't know the full on truth many times. But, all people who have medical issues, are suffering from toxic exposures. The evil factions have been found through environmental lab testing to be spraying our air with man made pathogens, such as viruses, mycoplasmas, fungus, vaccines, drugs, black plague, mono, HPV etc, in the air via military planes. All those viruses you see on tv news, like swine flu. Are all lab created and sprayed on the human population. It's all a lie. The tv news is controlled by these Nazi factions who oversee what the news networks put on tv, and only the propoganda is allowed. The tv is a mind control system that is heavily controlled to effect and brainwash the minds of the population. And the school system is also designed to brain wash the population and only create compliant order followers who don't question authority.
The agenda of these demonic factions is to destroy the human race, by mutating our genes. Remember Hitler wanted a "new race".. This agenda is being thrusted on us via our food which has been filled with gene altering substances, called GMO, genetically modified organisms. They are experimenting on humanity to alter the genes. What they want is a compliant race of people who just follow orders. They do not want the genes that can turn on and bring higher intelligences, or spirituality. They do not want a spiritual population, because then it can over-ride their system that they are setting up.
They are putting the nanotechnology implants in foods and some of the modified starch and substances, are electronics. Electronic implants have also been found in prescription drugs. They get into the brain, and then the evil forces are using the electronic grid to interact with the brains of the human race. Do you ever get thoughts that are not your own? They are using the cell towers, and Gwen Towers to transmit artificial intelligence to all people's heads. They can monitor our thoughts, and then send thoughts back into our brains to control our response. They want a population that is focused on sex, drugs, partying, and materialism. This is the modern day, "temptations" that happened thousands of years ago, that caused the "fall of man". The fall of man is significant, because by focusing on what the evil forces want, it brings down the cellular vibration of our body, and lowers our life force energy, and our spiritual energies that we are receiving every second from our connection to the higher heavens. And this takeover is designed to destroy our morals, and therefore, these demonic forces can takeover, as we lose our protection from the higher realms. And that is why the world you see today, is like it is, with suffering and stress, cruelty, and a lack of unconditional love.
The body is not designed to have nanoparticles in it, or foreign matter such as chemicals or electronics. They break the body down Acne is just a response to the body pushing out foreign materials. It's a protective measure designed to protect your internal organs. When the skin gets impacted it can be that your body cannot handle the toxicity, or your body is overburdened. The liver, and kidneys are designed to filter toxins, and our human life force is supposed to be designed to push out any foreign materials we are exposed to. But since the nefarious forces have slowly descended the human race into a life that is causing too much suffering, the human body has lowered immunity, it's tired. And people's energies are being drained by the lack of spirituality, that brings life force into the body, from higher realms. God is out of the picture in mainstream intentionally, due to the knowledge that the evil ones have, that people can get help spiritually with their problems, including health issues.
That is the only way the human race is going to transcend this problem that the world is caught up in. But, it may not save this world, but it can individually. As we are not our bodies, and there is a higher reality.
The toxic compounds called, nanotechnology that is now being thrusted upon humanity in a larger and larger amount as years pass, are sensitive to different things. Iodine being one. Iodine is a way to protect oneself against pathogens and the electronic charges of these foreign materials. Iodine was taken out of water most likely intentionally, and bread. But the ones people find work the best are the ones that are in powdered form that you dissolve in water, and drink daily, and spray on skin. Don't even drink the powder without dissolving. There is a fungus component to this issue many times. There is artificial military created fungus in the air, so people may need to take natural anti-fungals. Some people found boron is effective. There are many natural anti-fungals. But what happens is that the body is overburdened, and people need good colon and intestinal cleansers to clean out the area several times a day, to help the body get rid of the toxic overload. The problem with acne, is that it's a whole body issue, and the mainstream doctors are taught that each organ, such as skin is separate from eachother. But, this is not true. DIseases are due to issues with also the entire body being overburdened.
The gmo foods are a huge problem, as well as the chemicals in foods. When people go on vegan diets they find that leaving out dairy helps their skin to clear up. It provides alot of nutrition, and the body can sometimes power up and start to clean itself internally better. The mainstream doctors are controlled by the same forces that manipulate our world. Sometimes going ones own way, and taking the road less traveled is the key to finding truth. Holistic remedies do work, and if one goes to youtube and types in raw food, cures for cancer etc. you will find people are curing their own cancers at home. It's just a matter of cleaning the body of toxic exposures. That is what cancer is, what all diseases are. There are no profits in cure, remember that. And many holistic doctors like Gary Null, Mercola, etc. are speaking out in favor of holistic remedies instead of mainstream drugs, that are toxic compounds that cause more and more diseases later on. And many drugs are not taken off the market for a long time, despite killing people. And there is also legalization in America to experiment on citizens using prescription meds without the consent or knowledge of the person. This is Nazi experimentation. And there are many toxic compounds in legal drugs that are tied to this agenda of human experimentation and electronics, and mind alterations. I personally would never go to a mainscream doctor, or a hospice-tal. As they are dangerous to me, and many doctors have said if you want to live, learn holistic medicine and stay away from mainscream medicine.
If you want to see what you are breathing in. You can do the red wine spit experiment shown on youtube. It works best with the red Sangria wine. You take a shot of this sangria, mix with 1/4 hydrogen peroxide, and swoosh in your mouth. Spit into a glass, and look to see the gooey residue. This is the nanotechnology electronic goo we breath in daily from military spraying. The goo contains pathogens that then form the cybernetic system that we all have assembling in our bodies from head to toe. MS patients have the nanotechnology most likely up and down the spine. It hardens, and then interrupts nervous system of our bodies. And now that the govt as setup the internet, cell towers, the situation is getting worse with more and more frequencies beamed at us. They are ramping up the internet to 5G intentionally, it is a weapon system. The whole electronic grid with the cell towers, smart phones, smart meters, smart appliances are all setup to interact with the smart dust (nanotechnology) particles the military is spraying into our air. It's a demonic agenda. A control system. If you wonder why people are getting weird, they may be taken over. If you wonder why all of a sudden school shootings started right before 9/11. It's because of this electronic control system, and the areas of the US military tied to Nazi experimentation that finds people who are filled with these nanobots, and then electronically drives them crazy. And these evil forces can takeover people's bodies using this system. There are people all over youtube calling themselves targeted individuals, and these evil factions are shooting microwave lasers into their homes and torturing them, all over America. And in the past two -three years, over 80 holistic medical doctors have been murdered. Yet, there is nothing about this on the mainstream news, because it's all controlled like in Nazi germany. And they don't provide truth, only an artificial reality to keep the human race in a state that allows the demonic forces to takeover. And that is why tv and movies focus on murder and sex. We lose our spiritual connection, and our protection. And that is why people have acne.


Posted : 03/29/2019 11:39 am

Get some help man. Acne is the least of your problems.

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