The two things I ch...
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The two things I changed to dramatically improve my acne


Posted : 01/17/2017 5:57 am

In short:
1)Changed skin routine dramatically
2)Stopped using Yasmin and any contraception

In a bit more detail:
1) I tried a whole range of different products, I was using toners, moisturisers, cleansers, spot treatments and expensive ones at that. I got rid of them all and just started using one product: Garnier Pure Active Charcoal Scrub.Morning and Night. It has worked wonders.

I worked out that excessive sebum (aka very oily skin) was what was causing my acne. The product contains salicylic acid and charcoal which eliminates the oil from your face. With continued use (in my case 2.5 months now) it has kept my skin less oily except for certain times in my menstrual cycle.

Before my acne was accross my forehead, red raw around my chin/jawline and occasionally on my cheeks. Now I will get the odd spot maybe once a week. My scars are also improving by the day and because they are not just being replaced by new spots it looks far better.

2) Yasmin made my issues ten times worse. Since coming off it and all other contraception my moods and emotions have levelled out and my skin has improved dramatically day after day.

My advice based on experience:
Simplify your skin routine. If you have oily skin, use an exfoliator daily. Give a product a 2 month trial. Keep your face clean. Quit hormonal contraception if possible!

I hope this helps some people.
