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Sunscreen while doing Caveman Regimen Question


Posted : 01/11/2017 3:03 am


Living in Australia, you need to be wearing a sunscreen, even if only outdoors for a few minutes a day. My issue is that im doing the Caveman Regimen. While its modified, as im using water morning and night to wash with, Im wanting to add back in my sunscreen which is the Cetaphil Dermacontrol Moisturizer SPF 15.

Will this make much of a difference to the regimen working?


Posted : 02/04/2017 1:10 am

I was looking for asnwers, too, about this. I live in Arizona and the sun is so hot like Australia, so you definitely wear sunscreen every day. I just started doing this 2 weeks ago, and have not been washing off my sunscreen, and my skin is still looking clear, my pores are smaller, and no new break outs. I am going to continue this and see what happens.
