Adult cystic acne h...
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Adult cystic acne hurts !!


Posted : 06/25/2016 7:13 pm

About 3 months ago my face started breaking out and it's getting worse! I am 32 , it's deep cysts, about 20 pimples on each cheek /jawline area . I went to a Derm, I'm on my first week of tri-prefim birth control and next month am starting on accutane. I don't understand why I am breaking out so much most of the acne hurts, some sometimes ooze clear fluid...did the clean and clear toner but it burned my face with the alcohol, tried acnevir for adult acne didn't work ...any ideas or anyone with same issue ?


Posted : 06/26/2016 11:51 am

Hey there, most women with adult cystic acne have hormone issues. I once was told by a gyno that if you get on the correct med, whether birth control or spironolactone, accutane is not needed. Did your derm at least suggest you try those or topicals first? Or antibiotics?
Aside from accutane being risky to your health the acne often comes back because once the accutane effects wear off, the underlying hormone problem just keeps giving you acne.
Get checked for PCOS and your hormone levels. I absolutely would be hesitant to take acvutane unless you've tried birth control ( which you must take for accutane anyway!)
Yaz, Yasmine and orthocyclen are usually prescribed for acne and spironolactone is another drug used for hormonal acne. I've had good results with these.


Posted : 09/11/2016 2:23 pm

How did you get on ?
