Chronic Acne...Solu...
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Chronic Acne...Solutions?


Posted : 01/26/2016 6:40 pm

Hi Everyone. I'm new to this site and am suffering from severe acne and am hoping I can find a solution here.
I've had acne since I was 5 years old and I'm now 21. I've been to three dermatologists and none of them have given me anything that will provide a solution. Additionally, none of them will tell me whats actually wrong with me; like why do I get acne, what can I do to prevent it, what medication might be best for me, if trying o.t.c medicine is ok, or anything. I'm graduating from college in May and am hoping REEEEEAAAALLLLY hoping that I can have clear skin or even semi-clear skin before I have to take my college graduation photos. I've been suffering from this through most of my young adult life and am really tired of crying. Even to this day people still say negative things to me about my skin and I have nothing to say to them in response. "Are you breaking out?" or "Why is your skin so bad right now" and the worst... "your skin looks sick"

I'm trying not to fall off my senior year and become a depressed college graduate with nothing to show for it. Doctors bills are pilling up and I can't handle another dermatologists bill. I already have enough loan money from college, now this. Please can anyone help? Can anyone tell me anything? I'm terrified to use o.t.c medicines because I don't want my acne to get any worse, especially this close to graduation but I can't take it anymore....I'll try anything.


Posted : 02/08/2016 12:12 pm

Hey there. I am so sorry to hear how hard this has been on you; but trust me when I say you are not alone, I am too in a very dark place the last few months and it's continued to get worse. What kind of acne are you suffering from? Cystic? or just normal inflammatory acne? Either or, all of it is dreadful. Have you considered trying a round of antibiotics? This could help clear you up in time for your graduation photos. Have you had your hormones checked for deficiencies or abnormalities? Sometimes this can be a good indicator of whats going on internally. Using OTC medicine is a good start for mild/moderate acne, but if you suffering from cystic acne (deep zits that dont come to a head), OTC medication will not help and could actually worsen the problem. Start off by using a gentle/mild cleanser like CeraVE or Cetaphil, 100% witch hazel (non alochol) if you like a toner, and a mild oil-free moisturizer. You can spot treat with tea tree oil or benzyol peroxide if you'd like.

I hate to see others going through exactly how I feel about things right now. I feel like a horrible wife to my husband because I am depressed and embarrassed to be seen. I start accutane March 1st, so i hope this will kiss my cystic acne good bye once and for good!


Posted : 02/09/2016 1:14 pm

I know what you are going through OP. Taking a 2nd course of Accutane my senior year of college was the only thing that kept me on track to graduate. During my 4 years of undergrad, my acne slowly but surely came back - especially on my face. It got to the point where it was bad enough again and antibiotics and topicals did not reduce it, that my Derm recommended Accutane again and I wholeheartedly agreed.

I agree with the advice that CNA7 gave above about some things you could try. The regimen has kept my face 95% clear for the past 7 months.
