32 Old 3Rd Time On ...
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32 Old 3Rd Time On Isotretinoin


Posted : 06/28/2015 7:33 pm

Severe crystal acne at the age of 17 took my six month of isotretinoin had clear skin till the age of 25 , at age 26 took 4 months of pills stopped due to no insurance skin was clear ! Now 32 years old my acne has gotten bad 3-6 pimples on my face at any given time!

My dermatologist suggested I take two pills a week of 40 mg but after the 2nd week my acne has gotten out of hand like 10-13 pimples on my face . Would it be better to just start the 6 month treatment with pills everyday ? Or will my skin get better with only taking the 80mg a week ?


Posted : 07/01/2015 8:05 pm

^^^sounds kinda like me. I had pretty mild, but persistent acne starting at age 19. Took creams and antibiotics till I was 25 and realized the pimples were causing scars. My skin heals really crappy. Anyway, 6 months of accutane I was acne free. 33 now, just started breaking out last year. I wanted accutane for the acne and oil, but my derm wouldn't do it. Currently using cream and antibiotics.


If I were u I would just bite the bullet and go back on accutane. I had very little side effects, did you? If u didn't the first two times, chances r u won't this time. 32 u probably won't ever need to worry about acne again.


Posted : 07/05/2015 10:35 am

Update - I decided to do the 6monts course but after 7 days at 2pills a day my face is really bad have 5 crystials on my nose 3 on my jam and 4 on my forehead. The side affects are dry eyes ,lips and peeling skin on my hands and face . At this rate I will end up scaring if I stay on this path. I going to go back to my dr. Suggestions of 2 pills a week .

Still trying to understand how I went from clear skin "photo in my profile was 4 months ago" to where I am today pretty frustrating


Posted : 07/12/2015 5:15 pm

Update in case some one in my case and looks at this ..

Been off the isotretinoin for 7 days and my skin is looking 100 times better as of now NO new pimples I do have a lot of red spots from last week ! Today I will start the 2 pills a week ! Ps I also have stopped using the pro activ , Now in morning I use a facial cleanser , 2.5 BP lotion at night wash with water and using the illum mask .


Posted : 08/11/2015 6:41 pm

How's it goin u back on accutane then? Guess 2 accutane pills a week? Hopefully it all works out great :)

adamrmr liked

Posted : 10/03/2015 9:01 am

Update ! Skin was perfect for a week after I stoped taking medication ,but that didn't last long . Today I am back taking one pill every other day 1st week in and my face is bad 4 large pimples on noise , 3 on chin ... I am feeling pretty down can't even leave the house ! Let's see what next week brings. One pill ever other day ,illumask 2 x day ,

salicylic 2% foaming wash 2x day.

Only drinking water


Posted : 10/07/2015 1:06 pm

Ive only been on tane once at 41ish
I saw derm 4 mnth post tane and she mentioned a POSSIBLE second course....I wanted to jump up and slap her silly!
hang in there

leelowe1 liked

Posted : 12/13/2015 10:19 pm

4 months in and skin looks 99 clear but I am having major crying spells and odd dreams . I contacted my dr and was told I can drop down to one pill for a week and see if it makes a different he also feels like this issue not from the meds


Posted : 12/17/2015 8:09 am

IT IS THE WATER!!!! Weacne prone ppl are allergic to chemicals. STOP using them!!

Our skin and hair can't handle Free Chlorine (Cl-), Combined Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite), Hydrogen Sulfide (rotten egg smell) andIron Oxide (rust water)

Get a filtered shower head!!!! You will be amazed how your water is damaging your skin and hair. A filter will filter chemicals making your hard water softer. Trust me, I have tried everything before I started washing my body with only filtered water. Wash your face with combinations of honey, lemon, and coconut oil and sugar for exfoliation. Thayers Witch Hazel (No Alcohol) as toner. Use aloe Vera gel as moisturizer. Tea tree oil is great too. Stick to natural products as listed above.

Don't use lofas and do use wash cloths but oxiclean them when washing, do not bleach them

Birth Control is a Big No as is Man-Made antibiotics. Opt for natural antibiotics such as garlic and orgeano

If for some reason the moon turns purple and this does not work, get tested for food allergies ex dairy or gluten and Do educate yourself on GMO's

You all are Beautiful Best Of Luck!!
