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Posted : 10/03/2012 8:41 am

I am 29 years old... currently on my 3rd course of Roaccutane which is annoying because I've not really got acne as such anymore just redness that looks like the skin has come away with acne underneath it if you get what I mean!


I can't believe how popular this board is because is it just me or when you walk the streets you don't see other people with acne or acne scarring?!!


Posted : 10/03/2012 10:26 am

Good luck, I hope your third proves to be your final round.


I also am hyper aware of people's skin and it often feels like I'm the only one with any skin problems, but you never know how many people are already on some sort of treatment that's keeping it under control and have been where you are now.


Funny though, last time I went out I noticed quite a few people with skin problems. It was most unusual, and reassuring (though of course I felt sorry for them!)


Posted : 10/03/2012 11:16 am

Yeah, I've been working at my office for 4 years and I have only seen one other person with acne!


Posted : 10/05/2012 11:10 am

Hi determinedtowin --- so glad to hear that your acne is healing. Wow - that's great!!! FYI --- it takes a long time for skin to heal so be patient. You are young so your skin will eventually look much better as it builds back up and the red acne scars fade away. As far as feeling like no one else out there has does seem that way. Actually though the occurance of acne is rising in adults. I know the figure for women is I think 40%. I work in a library and see the same people everyday at close range. This is the key...overtime I've noticed many people break out. Not exactly like teenagers but 1-2 lesions at a time. People use makeup to try to cover it or ignore it. I've seen both men and women with this happening. Realizing this was very helpful for me when I was flaring up. I would get 3-4 large painful lesions at a time and was mortified. But I kept my eyes open and saw that others suffered too. I sought help because I think 3-4 at a time is too much. And I was getting scars so I had to get help!


Posted : 10/05/2012 3:25 pm

A study has found that Accutane temporarily decreases testosterone levels as well as shrinking sebaceous glands. If 2 rounds of Accutane didn't clear up your acne, then the temporary clearance you had may be from the reduced testosterone, not the Accutane directly. Testosterone will rise again after you go off Accutane and your acne will come back. Look into hormonal treatment.


Posted : 10/06/2012 5:50 am

^ what green gables said, i was on accutane many years ago, although it did heal my acne the acne returned years later, with vengeance.


So best bet to me would be to try and get your hormones balanced, a naturopath might be able to help you with that.


Posted : 10/11/2012 11:01 am

Thanks for the replies... any comments/suggestions on this...


Posted : 10/12/2012 3:21 am

Obviously bad then as no one replies!!
