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28M Course 2 Of Tane (Uk)


Posted : 02/18/2015 2:14 pm

Hello All,

Its been a while since i visited this forum!!!

Well i'm back on isotretinoin otherwise commonly known as accutane.

First course went okay cleared me up for a year not perfect but definitely nothing to worry about, now i am back on it as its all creeping back slowly but surely

First 2 months at 40mg (80kg)hopefully this time it will be gone permanently - i don't know how long this course will be depends on what happens with my skin previous course i took around 150 which is the top end of the cumulative dose.

Day 1


Nothing to report really.

oh my left knee has been knackered for months this means its going to ache more once my body gets loaded with this shizzle


Posted : 02/18/2015 2:23 pm

Hi fadedjay, I will be 28 in May and starting my second course in about 26 days (females have to wait 30 days) So I can relate :) I'll be following your logs and I will be about a month behind you. I am hopeful this second round will work for both of us!


Posted : 02/18/2015 2:29 pm

hey emmygirl its a bit of pain to get access to the drug for women they have to jump through hoops it seems but ah well least your starting soon.

its a pain having multiple rounds but when you've maxed out all other drugs and pills your not really left with much choice.

I might try use something like retin a afterwards to try stop anything progressing any further


Posted : 02/18/2015 3:07 pm

Hi fadedjay

Wanted to wish you good luck:)

I'm also on my second round of isotretinoin, but this time I'm doing a low dose of 20 mg/day.

Hope second time is lucky for all of us!

fadedjay and Emmygirl liked

Posted : 02/21/2015 3:40 pm

Hi fadedjay

Wanted to wish you good luck:)

I'm also on my second round of isotretinoin, but this time I'm doing a low dose of 20 mg/day.

Hope second time is lucky for all of us!

Hopefully this is true!!!!

Day 4

So not much to report got a few pimples same old really right side looks a shitty but did before i started.

Lips are drier now and so is nose which means its kicked in somewhat.

If anybody is interested these are the products i use.

Vaseline for my lips - usually does the trick

cetaphil cleanser - been using this for 5 year or so

moisturizer - cetaphil lotion or the one in the tub depends how i feel, usually its the lotion - been on this for years as well.

speak soon all


Posted : 02/21/2015 4:56 pm

We're both on our 2nd round and both on Day 4! Good to have found someone on the same day as me :)


Posted : 02/21/2015 7:11 pm

We're both on our 2nd round and both on Day 4! Good to have found someone on the same day as me

woohoo always good to find some one starting at the same time, hopefully we can pull each other through the journey


Posted : 02/25/2015 2:08 pm

day 8

so far things are okay. I need to stop trying to pick all the blackheads from my nose as i actually cut my self lol

knee's ache and so do ankles a little as expected.

Lips have been dry so applying Vaseline often.

will update in a few days to see how things are going


Posted : 03/03/2015 2:12 pm

Day 14

hello!! well its been 2 weeks and so far things are okay. Lips are dry but that's expected. Got some dandruff just need to stop washing my hair everyday as its long it doesn't help either. Blackheads are pushing out on my nose which is good and bad because i pick and it becomes all red lol hopefully they will all be gone in the next few weeks.

Acne wise not much to report i get the odd whitehead here and there - a big scar on my cheek doesn't seem to be fading much which is pretty annoying its like a ingrown hair scar i think the hair has actually gone deeper but its all flat to touch hopefully the drug will push it out.

I need to stop eating shit like cookies, chocolate bars etc - just for my general health i have started to overdose on chocolates etc!! not had any today which is good so going to cut it back out.

will report back soon


Posted : 03/03/2015 6:24 pm

Glad things are going well fadedjay! Your comment about eating cookies made me laugh a little because I have lately been on this massive Oreo obsession and can't go a day without eating an entire sleeve of them.... yikes! I'm actually a pretty healthy person but cannot resist those cookies!! I did run out of them so haven't had any for over a week but I still think about them, Haha! I think when we are suffering with acne I sometimes feel like I deserve to indulge in snacks once in a while, but mine was getting a bit out of hand.

*I start my Accutane (second course) in 11 days and can't wait. I love having other people's second round logs like yours to refer to!


Posted : 03/08/2015 3:30 pm

Glad things are going well fadedjay! Your comment about eating cookies made me laugh a little because I have lately been on this massive Oreo obsession and can't go a day without eating an entire sleeve of them.... yikes! I'm actually a pretty healthy person but cannot resist those cookies!! I did run out of them so haven't had any for over a week but I still think about them, Haha! I think when we are suffering with acne I sometimes feel like I deserve to indulge in snacks once in a while, but mine was getting a bit out of hand.

*I start my Accutane (second course) in 11 days and can't wait. I love having other people's second round logs like yours to refer to!

Hey emmygirl i will be sure to keep a look out for the blog and give you some support :)

day 19

Things are pretty shitty at the moment not had the best of days - i keep picking the blackheads on my nose and its a mess now with red marks and sore skin!!!!

This is the part i hated on my first course which i don't remember all that much about but the little i do was the purge of blackheads on my nose.

other than that skin is okayish got a tiny dot of a pimple under my right eye and an old scar on my right cheek which is fading so slowly - again i picked it pretty bad before i started this course and it was always going to heal slow.

i'm used to the ups and downs of this treatment just got to plug through as painful as it can be at times.


Posted : 03/09/2015 11:47 am

day 19

Things are pretty shitty at the moment not had the best of days - i keep picking the blackheads on my nose and its a mess now with red marks and sore skin!!!!

This is the part i hated on my first course which i don't remember all that much about but the little i do was the purge of blackheads on my nose.

other than that skin is okayish got a tiny dot of a pimple under my right eye and an old scar on my right cheek which is fading so slowly - again i picked it pretty bad before i started this course and it was always going to heal slow.

i'm used to the ups and downs of this treatment just got to plug through as painful as it can be at times.

I'm going through the blackhead purge too! At least things are happening quickly for us...


Posted : 03/11/2015 3:06 pm

Week 3 done day 22

Well things are going okay to say its been 3 weeks. inside of nose is getting really dry and sore so need to use vasline so nothing new there. Face has a slight pinkness to it like rosyish which is due to the drug being fair skinned and Asian its not too bad but my nose seems the pinkest

Oh my, the blackheads on my nose have been scratched out lol i cant help but pick them as it just looks awful but such is life glad they are coming out but i never had this many before accutane suppose thats what happens with your oil glands are being shrunk!!!

other than that its the same old similar to my to first round on 40mg for another 5 weeks and then will see as its half my dosage as i weight around 76kg but will just see. The derm says the second course isn't always as long depending on how you clear up and react.


Posted : 04/13/2015 10:55 am

Day 57

wowww its been a long freaking time since i posted an update.

blackhead purge pretty much happened between weeks 3 - 4 and weeks 5-6 was sides of my nose under eyes had little white filaments could only seem them in you were really close or i didn't moisturise well.

over all things have been okay - only really side effect is achy joints which i hate as i don't want to go to the gym and workout etc

skin wise things are okay right side which was the worst seems to be a bit better in some ways and worse in others or maybe its just me - i haven't taken many photos this time round as i just never remember.

still on 40mg derm appointment is in a week so will have my bloods done as it has been 8 or 9 weeks!!!! For some reason my derm only does 2 blood tests one at the start and one after 8 weeks he says if its fine after 8 weeks its okay not to do anymore lol not sure really hes been treating people on this drug for 30 years.

I might up my dosage to 60mg max depending on how it goes but i may not this time get the full dose as i don't want to be on it for 8 months if i have to take a smaller dose will see how my skin is doing really.

One thing i do notice is that i think too much sugar/carbs and eggs seem to cause clogged pores and also rubbing my skin when i wash my face does the same so i am going to cut down on the carbs and also go back to a much gentler approach and see how it fares.

My skin got bad slowly but i am not sure if it was me changing it all up and mixing products or some foods as last summer i was fine till around the time i started experimenting.


Posted : 04/14/2015 1:21 pm

Day 58

Not the best of days feel pretty shitty i need to stop picking. The right side of my face has some scars not sure its just the tane making them more prominent or if there just like that :(

Skins doing okay but it makes me wonder if i ever will be content with it. Suffering for over 16 years really does take its toll on you and no matter how much of a drug or what you try sometimes its hard to see yourself as anything else but negative.

days like these are hard to get through hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Posted : 04/14/2015 1:31 pm

Skins doing okay but it makes me wonder if i ever will be content with it. Suffering for over 16 years really does take its toll on you and no matter how much of a drug or what you try sometimes its hard to see yourself as anything else but negative.

Sorry you're having a bad day. I feel the same way about my skin. Been suffering with acne since I was in 8th grade...I'm now 32. So I'm on about 17-18 years of this crap.

I'm only in month 2 of treatment (80mg) and my skin looks horrible. Not breaking out but super flakey/dry.

Smile and have a better day!!!


Posted : 04/14/2015 10:44 pm

I'm right there with you guys. Starting my second month tomorrow of my second course and am struggling with a massive painful breakout on my chin. it's nice to have some other people going through the same thing... I hope we can all be rid of acne soon! :)


Posted : 04/22/2015 1:42 pm

Day 68 - i think or somewhere around there!

Well i had a derm check up and my bloods taken and i have moved up to 60mg which is probably the highest i will go even though i weigh 80kg my body didn't handle it all that well on my last course being on 80 but may try it again. Next appointment is in 12 weeks so will see how i fair on 60mg.

Skin wise things are the same old looking okayish, not really happy, everything's just slow maybe one day it will get to point where i can be happy.

I don't think accutane will cure my issues with certain foods that make me break out like if i have loads of sweets i get spots or clogged pores regardless on whether on or off accutane so my hope is to get back to being clear and limit my diet to maintain somewhat acceptable skin.

see you all soon


Posted : 04/22/2015 4:04 pm

Hey Sandeep. Just stopping by to support my brother. Accutane is a pain but it can be worth it. Take it one step at a time. I started a course this past September , low dose, but had to stop due to very high liver enzymes. It sucked. But hoping to try Spiro in the future if topicals and my naturopath don't work out.


Keep posting


Posted : 04/23/2015 2:42 am

Hey Sandeep. Just stopping by to support my brother. Accutane is a pain but it can be worth it. Take it one step at a time. I started a course this past September , low dose, but had to stop due to very high liver enzymes. It sucked. But hoping to try Spiro in the future if topicals and my naturopath don't work out.


Keep posting

Thanks for the support as always :) check your messages


Posted : 04/29/2015 1:26 pm

day 72 or something like that!


been breaking out a little which hasn't been too great on the good old self esteem. A mixture of bad food and upped dosage is most likely the cause but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.


Feeling a little deflated but it the journey continues...


until next time.


oh and the skin on my arms got really dry and raw and was not good but after a day of 2 of moisturiser they seem to healed if only my face could do the same!!
