Team Amnesteem


Posted : 02/14/2013 1:39 pm

Hello, I am african american 30/F and I am starting week one of my treatment. I have been dealing with acne since the age of 13. For year I was able to embrace my fate of having acne forever. Until about 5 years ago i started to wear make up. Well that was a complete set up...People began to get use to that image and the attention from the opposite sex wasn't all that bad either. Until I had to wash my face :( I felt/feel like a complete fake because people dont see me for me but if they did they would completely judge me. Which leads me to my predictment. I'm tired. For once i would like to get up and not avoid looking at a mirror. Or keeping bottle foundation near my bedside in case of an emergency. ITS CRAZY!!!


So I am now deciding to take the big leap of faith with amnesteem. After years of over the counters, prescription, and home remedies I'M TIRED!!! I pray this works!!! I've research this for a while and finally built the courage. Being that I'm AA i prefered getting some input and success information for someone of the same race (not to sound racist) but I find that my search was very limited. However it was enough me. Im excited/scared, but this is for all the marbles if this works by the summer time I will be able to hop in a pool with out my makeup/toolkit bag next to me. LOL wish me luck!!


I plan to share pics of my journey as well hopefully it helps someone!


Posted : 02/20/2013 2:59 pm

WEEK-2.....Ok so I have started my second pack in the box and I am officially in my day 2 of my week 2 of this process. Ok where to start....Idk but i want to make sure I give all details so if I gross someone out in the process....GET OVER IT, lol. Anyway wanna start by saying that with any and every little thing that happens to me I get extremely paronoid thinking its the medication lol. Thats enough to drive anyone crazy. However the symptoms are real. The only one's I think are truly ligit in my case as of right now are the fatigue and dryness. I find that I do tend to just want to lay or sit around more than my usual routine but I'm sure I can work through that. The second is the dryness. I find that i drink about a gallon or two of water a day just to get ahead of the dryness for the day lol. I guess its a plus because I wasn't that big on drinking it. Im proud to say that dark urine isn't a side effect for me (as of yet, still early!!!) because its crystal clear thanks to all this water. Also I am noticing a difference in the oil build up in my skin i've actually had to apply lotion (NIVEA is my choice for now) on my face to get some relief from it. I'm definitely happy with that because it quite annoying when someone who doesn't know what its like to ask me something dumb like "Are you Hot? it looks like your sweating?"...i mean really?!?.....Oh the chapped lips thing, I feel that slowly rearing its ugly lil head which I usually moisten up with the lotion I apply to my face in the morning and then I do upkeep through out the day with same brand lip replenishing product.....(i'm applying right now as i type, lol). Now for the gross stuff... I was taking a crap and IDK if it was the straining or what but when i finish and took a wipe i did see blood. Now it was a pretty large missle so i'm not gonna panic and assume that my intestines are falling out,lol....but I will say i've had several since then and i did not see any traces of blood....Other than that overall I feel Ok. I can say my paranoia is at a high just cuz of everything that comes with taking it but i'm still in the fight til i cant fight no more...Oh as far as topical treatment I use Neutrogena Acne system (I find the wash keep what ever breaks yet to come at bay so its not to bad) and prescription hydroquinone(fade cream) from my Derm. TTYL


Posted : 02/20/2013 7:45 pm

Hi! It's great to see another African American woman on accutane as we are the minority in these logs. Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment. Don't fret about being paranoid - it is normal when taking a drug as all drugs have side effects. Its great that you are on top of it. These should greatly diminish as you get more into your treatment. The only side efects i have in my 5th month are eczema on my hands, dry skin and acne. I am still pimply but my case is not the norm so don't worry. If you have any questions or want to compare notes, feel free to PM me or look at my log.

Again, good luck!


Posted : 02/26/2013 12:45 pm

WEEK 3- I have come to the realization that it would probably make more since to report on the end of each week but i've already started a pattern so ill just keep it the way it is. If the medicine is working it shouldn't matter if its on the front or back end of the week....anywayz i'm entering my third week and what can i say, hmmmm Idk. I'll start with sypmtoms since that usually the biggist concern: My lips seems to be following suit when it comes to the chapping (totally annoying, smh). I am lip licker so since i cant keep up I've grown quite comforable with chapstick usage lol. The skin on my body is definitely dry so I usually apply my "weapons of mass destruction" (moisturizer) immediately after my shower just to get seeped in. I will say first that I already had ankle issues before starting but i do notice a slight increase in that area as well as other areas but nothing unbearable. Now to the skin on my face & neck: it is definitely working on something. I've had about 10 or more show up through out my face and neck which was kinda hard for me because im a picker. So of course I immediately resorted to what i know best (scars are definitely gonna be issue for me). However I notice that my skin is alot more supple and smoother where there is no breakout. Immediately after a wash I have to lotion to untighten my skin from the dryness. Not use to that but i definitely like it. Other than that if feel good and remaining positive. Oh I forgot I will that my bowel movements have been less frequent then normal which leads to me having massive compact piece being disposed. So I will be taking stool softner to ease up on the discomfort. well that all for now. If you guys have any question feel free to ask. TTYL


Posted : 03/05/2013 8:17 am

WEEK 4- Hello its me again!! Well its tuesday and I am getting ready to close out the first month my course.... Ok so thing are going ok i guess although others would tell me differntly. Lets start with symptom...I'm definite havin my IB this week because im getting acne in areas that i dont normally get it. Although as of now its not the type of break out that sending me into depression its pretty much like the ones i normally get just not in the same places. I continue to use my same product (Neutrogena acne system), the only thing different I do is alternate the days I use it because of the dryness from the meds the product seems to add to it so i use warm water or my soap i use to shower. I would also like to know that according to my iPeriod app I am like 5 days away from my cycle which usually I get a couple big cystic bump on my chin prior to its arrival. I did get two bump but they were whiteheads. The positive of these meds is the recovery time i still bust my bumps but the heal significantly by the next morning. I totally understand why some would have scarring but also notice that im fading in areas where i do not apply the bleaching cream so thats a plus. My lips are still chapped but im manage with same product and i recently purchased some Aquaphor which does pretty well. I still drown myself in water to avoid any dry mouth symptoms. I have notice some shedding with my hair but nothing to panic about (worse case scenario ill through a weave in LOL) and extreme dandruff (extreme is a scary word but it is extreme to me because i dont have dry scalp) so i have switch to some products that are more oily to keep that under control. Physically i am still tired but i have started a light walking routine to build endurance. Oh I dont i think i've mention this in previous post but I drink alcohol on occassions and the only thing i notice is the next morning i have extreme cotton mouth and dry eyes but i noticed if i drink water during my social drinkin its not as bad. Other than that im still here and still positive about the end results. One month down 3 to go!! LETS GO TEAM AMNESTEEM. LOL pics posted as usual.


Posted : 03/13/2013 8:00 am

Week 5...Ok so i'm little late but not that much....Here is the deal although the result are faint I totally can tell the end result is gonna be awesome!!! Although the oil production in my face has reduced by about 90 percent my skin is incredibly soft which i have never had before. With that being said i feel like a snake shedding skin lol. I'm still going thru my breakout which i notice take place in my nose and cheek area. OMG can I add that is is bringing up every blackhead know to man in my nose (annoying). I extract them frequently but i have stop due to the face that one morning i woke and my nose was so dry that i was able to peel a whole layer of dead skin off the top of my nose. my nose looked amazing after the fact though....Let see um i switched up my products a little, I bought a scrub by St. Ive's which seems to help pull up some of that dead skin and i also start using cocobutter which i was just informed yesterday at my doc not to use but i was enjoying the way it made my skin feel. Other than my symptom are pretty much the same nothing on the severe spectrum...My fatigue issue is still relevant some day im a total loaf and other days i can press through but i have started taking B12 shot which have improved my energy levels significantly. Well this one is pretty short but i believe that a good thing ;)...anyway picturces posted.


Posted : 03/25/2013 1:21 pm

WEEK 6-7.....So yes I've been slipping but I assure you I'm in this till the end. Last week was kinda hectic for me, I'm sure you guys arent interested in all that so I wont give details. Just know LIFE HAPPENS!!! Anywayz, my symptom have been pretty consistent as far as what i have logged in my previous post. The only new thing is I tend to me a little more itchy. Usually my hands and neck area but I've had a couple spells in other areas of my body. My moisturizer of choice is Aquaphor although nivea worked pretty well I found myself drying out by the end of the day. If apply Aquaphor as soon as i get out of the shower on my face and body it absord pretty well and keeps me hydrated throufh the day. I only keep a little spare botte for my lips through the day. Fatigue is still my biggest battle I find that the simplest task take alot out of me, but i've started juicing and i have cut out pork and beef. I found that a little change in diet has restored my energy a little. In my juicing chronicle i have to make sure that some of recipes arent to Vitamen A based. i found alot of them were and that's definitely a "no no" right now. Use a scrub has done wonders for my skin it looks as though the scars are starting to even out. Overal i think "picking" is my biggest battle. "ADVISORY: THIS MED CREATE THE BIGGEST PIMPLES" I just cant bear watching them this live on my face so i have to destroy them lol. Heal time is pretty quick so i guess that why i dont have problem doing it. My joint pain has increase for sure some day I get up and my bones are cracking and popping like they in competition or something. I totally feel like an old lady for sure. I mean i'm not young but i'm not old either. O well. lol. As far as the emotion aspect the only thing I can say is i'm feeling complete excitement I cant wait to see what the future beholds for my face. I think that's everything any question don't hesitate to ask. CHOW


Posted : 04/11/2013 12:08 pm

WEEK 8-9!!! Well needless to say i am late again but i'm still in the fight!!!! I can say result are definitely looking up and once i get the scars down watch out. ;) I guess one of the reasons i'm so late is because i really don't have anything to report besides progress. My skin improves every week. I think my biggest thing is patience and perhaps logging it is making me annoyed. lol However I do want to help someone who is in the air about there descision so I might report late but i will report. Symptoms are the still the same no increase its pretty much become tolerable. i know that i cannot go anywhere without my Aquafor and i'm ok with that. I actually find it pretty comical. My friend are even on top of it prolly because they cant stand to see me so down and out when i leave lol. From dark skin perspective which you might notice in this pic i post MY LIPS are like extra pink. I use to have some type of natural lip line but this whole chapped lip thing has definitely made it disapear. Once again making me the brunt of joke like "why do you have on so much pink lipstick?" getting rather old....I also might mention that I do still get a few bumps but it only during my cycle other than that i'm basically clear and smooth....I still do my scrub 3 times a week I believe its helps to even me out along with my prescription fade cream.... I know I know my blog is short but I feel like its a good thing....if it was longer then that means i'm have problems and thats NO BUENO!!!....Chow for now.


Posted : 06/29/2013 12:07 pm

Ok so boy have I been absent....long story short life caught up with me but in a good way....shortly after my last post I received a promotion (yay me!!) required a lot more of my time leaving my blog to the way side but I most definitely didn't stop my I am going to attempt to some up the last two months in one post. I took my last set of pill today!!! I should have been done about a week ago but like I said my schedule led me to miss a couple doses here and there.....anyway....I must say this was definitely a journey...although the side effect listed are plentiful, I am thankful to say that I didn't suffer from many.....I did have achy joint but working out help contain or made it easy to tolerate...Extremely dry skin is definitely at the top of the list but I had a pretty good routine of lotion and eucerin I would use to combat it....I would say for me the most annoying part of this process was the chapped lips...OMG although I did pretty well keeping it contained when and if stops I don't think I want to see another tube of chapstick again lol.....Also with this annoying condition I acquired the nick name the Pink Lip bandit....being that I am a darker complexion the chapping made my lip significant lighter than my for the past couple week people assume I picked up a new trend of wearing light pink lipstick lol....I actually got a kick out people expression when I would tell them it wasn't liptstick.....Now to the good stuff well my skin is looking great although I still have blemishing but in comparision to when I started to now it is amazing!!! A couple applications of skin lightner and my skin tone will be completely even....Starting this journey was pretty intimidating....I stayed positive but the idea of all the risk kept me pretty shook. I never been so aware of my body in my life. anything odd I was noting and monitoring to make sure I was catching something before It got worse, but I think it was more my own paranoia than it was the medicine....As far as my final recommendation I say DO IT!!!!! in anything you do its a risk but the peace of mind and the confidence it gives you when its over is totally worth a couple hundred tubes of chapstick lol (over exaggerating).....the doctors say from this point forward I should just continue to see more and more improvement in my skin and I must say she is totally right....I cant remember the last time I popped a bump....Oh yeah and the biggest accomplishment is I now leave the house without make up!!! I'm Freeeeeeee!!!!

I'll post what picture I took and you guys be the judge.
