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Roaccutane Second Course - 23M, Weightling/bodybuilding


Posted : 02/03/2013 2:09 pm

Well, here I am again.

Almost a year ago I was on my first course - 90mg/day for 16 weeks - it worked well and I was cleared right up to an astonishing amount. However when the course finished I began relapsing slightly. My dermatologist then prescribed Differin which I'm still on now.

I finished my course on the 20th May 2012 - my current dermatologist has said I was taken off of the drug too quickly and never reached my full cumulative dose. Anyway, after some debating I have begun a second course, after speaking to my new dermatologist he agreed that it would be a good idea and to start my on 40mg/day to minimize the risk of side affects - in comparison to the 90mg/day I was taking it feels like nothing! I have had the ability to go private on both of my treatments, if anyone has any questions about going private with the treatment, let me know.

I'm in the gym everyday for a good few hours and am currently sitting at 95kg.

So, I started taking them on the 18th Jan 2013 - almost a year to the day!

So, without further ado -

Day 17.

Oh my Lord it's day seventeen already - Jesus! Well, nothing major just dry lips. I was heavily prepared for them and have a stash of lip balm and Cetaphil Moisturiser to tackle them with.
