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A Daybook For Accutane


Posted : 08/23/2012 2:48 am

Day 57


Things have been very slow, so I haven't been posting much. My face is getting smoother again. Still looks completely fucked because of red marks, but such is life. A pic:




That picture does a good job of showing how much smoother things have gotten, especially compared to day one. The contrast between the red and normal skin irl is more significant.


Posted : 08/26/2012 1:52 am

Day 60 | 2 Months catdance.gif


End of two months now, 1/3 done if everything goes as planned. I wasn't out much today, just walked the dog a couple of times. Aside from that, not much different from day 57; several small spots on my forehead have appeared, they're red and inflamed, but I don't expect them to come to a head.


Wrap up of days 31-60:

- Got bumped from 40mg/day to 80

- Broke out towards the start of the month, around day 33. It took a little over two weeks until the rate of new lesions slowed

- Peeling has been pretty slow/ineffective around the mouth, generally speaking. During the breakout, I hardly noticed peeling; I may have just not noticed it because of everything else going on with my face, though

- Things are now starting to get better, but knock on wood because it may be the calm before the storm

- Red marks have improvement a little bit this month, in contrast to month one in which they didn't seem to change at all. I attribute that to two things: one, I've been using sunblock when going out, and two, I've been using a tea tree oil product that I think is helping

- Smoothness I was talking about during the month one update seems to be coming back

- Eczema on upper arms comes and goes

- Not noticing nearly as much back pain as in month one

- Lips are still as obnoxious as ever

- Starting to get a better idea of what all is scarring and what is more temporary


Can't say I think the month was unsuccessful (sticking to my guns when I say whatever comes up was going to anyway), but it wasn't exactly as motivating as month one. Hopefully, month three is going to be less breaking out and more clearing up, especially the second half of it. My hopes have been and still are that the improvement stage kicks in sometime around day 75.


Posted : 08/26/2012 10:04 pm

Day 60.5?


For simplicity's sake, I won't count this as a day as I have no pills. Face looks better today, but there's some painful activity going on right next to my left eyebrow.


Posted : 08/28/2012 10:40 pm

Day 62


Bloodwork was ok, up and at 'em again. Face hasn't really changed much either way for the past ten days or so.


The derm asked me how my breakouts were going, we discussed and he said that at four months I should probably be done with breaking out altogether. I don't know whether he meant by month four or after, but I'm guessing after. I'm hoping for month three, myself.


I'm starting to notice a bit more extensive scarring, some boxcars and an area of icepicks. If I could have just a normal looking complexion with some scarring, though, I'd be content! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that will be the case anytime soon :(.


Posted : 08/30/2012 11:13 pm

Day 64


Face is peeling more than usual. Eczema is getting worse-- it used to be a few small patches on my upper arms, but those patches have gotten huge and I'm seeing some on my lower arms now, too, and I think a bit on my legs. My cheeks are kinda breaking out with some not very inflamed stuff. I think it's mostly old lesions, it would be nice to see them go.


Posted : 09/01/2012 3:52 am

Day 65


About 13 active, much preferable to the 25 or so I reported on day 47. Red marks are... still red marks! I'm only going to update about those once every week or two from now on; their progress is naturally very slow, it's discouraging to take meticulous notes on them... which is a shame, because they honestly concern me more than my actives.


Glad I took the bus rather than jogged today, if I had done the latter I probably would have intersected with a drive-by that happened in my neighborhood :|. Scary to wonder what could have been!


Posted : 09/01/2012 3:57 pm



I have no idea why, but I'm three pills behind, hahaha. Not a huge deal since there was going to be a day before my next appointment without pills anyway, but yeah, weird. Things look ok when I wake up... it's applying sunblock that makes it look pretty bad.


EDIT: Ok, I'm very confused, I'm not sure whether I'm one pill behind or three. I think it's just one, but if that's the case, I'm on day 65, not 66. So I'm gonna make this day 65 2.0.


Posted : 09/02/2012 5:41 pm

I love how you're so precise on your log :D

Best of luck with the rest of the course, I'll be following closely :)


Posted : 09/03/2012 2:04 am

Day 66


Things are slowly improving. Definitely haven't hit an area of rapid improvement, but I'd be lying if I said things aren't looking better. It's no longer painful to run my finger along my eyebrows, which is kool I guess. My cheeks look a bit red, but that's ok, because the red marks kinda blend in. Still looks like murder in some lightings, but you take what you can get.




I love how you're so precise on your log biggrin.png

Best of luck with the rest of the course, I'll be following closely smile.png



Posted : 09/03/2012 9:37 am

I can totally relate to the red spot issue. I have so many of them and they just seem to be getting worse. I wouldn't even call them actives...In fact, I don't know that they were ever all actives. Damn. Red. Spots. They are pretty much smooth but they look so much worse than they feel. If it weren't for them, my acne wouldn't look so bad. It is definitely worse since I began accutane too. I hope they go away when we are done with our treatment :( I wouldn't even call them scars...I don't think. They are not dents or anything. Just flat red spots!! evil.gif

I'm so nervous to increase my dosage (day after tomorrow) from 30-60mg/day. I'm barely dry now but I'm worried that my lips will really take a beating. I think I've freaked out about my lips more than anything. I like my lips :( I like to use my lips! LOL. JK. Oh well, none of that business for a while anyway...hehe.

Can't wait until this is all over and we are clear!

Best of luck to you


Posted : 09/03/2012 12:31 pm

hey dude, I just read through your daybook. I'm glad to see that your not getting any of the scary side effects. I've tried just about everything to clear my face, and nothing really worked, so I think I'm gonna give accutane a try. I have about 4.5 months before I switch colleges in January, so hopefully I can clear up my face before then. I'm a freshman in college btw. Anyway, about those red marks -have you tried using aloe or any other home remedy? I stopped getting pimples on a certain area of my cheeks, and there were leftover red marks for awhile, but they faded quite a bit after I started applying aloe. It took like two weeks for them to fade 80% of the way. Don't get bottled aloe though, that stuff is like 30% aloe and 70% filler. Instead, you should get an aloe leaf from your local grocery store/supermarket and take out the aloe from the inside. The leaves are huge with spikes on the side (just search 'aloe vera leaf' online). Just a suggestion. Good luck dood, I'll still be reading.


Posted : 09/03/2012 8:09 pm

Day 66

Things are slowly improving. Definitely haven't hit an area of rapid improvement, but I'd be lying if I said things aren't looking better. It's no longer painful to run my finger along my eyebrows, which is kool I guess. My cheeks look a bit red, but that's ok, because the red marks kinda blend in. Still looks like murder in some lightings, but you take what you can get.

I love how you're so precise on your log biggrin.png

Best of luck with the rest of the course, I'll be following closely smile.png


I wish I were Swiss, because then I could make a joke about Swiss watches and precision. You started just when I did, didn't you? How is your progress?


Things are looking up. Haven't had any breakouts in almost a month, aside from few odd pimples from time to time. Dryness is killing me though, my lips and face are peeling all the time :/ But all in all, great results so far! =)


Posted : 09/03/2012 10:41 pm

Day 67


Was out in the sun w/o sunblock too much today... shame. A few annoying spots on my cheeks.



I can totally relate to the red spot issue. I have so many of them and they just seem to be getting worse. I wouldn't even call them actives...In fact, I don't know that they were ever all actives. Damn. Red. Spots. They are pretty much smooth but they look so much worse than they feel. If it weren't for them, my acne wouldn't look so bad. It is definitely worse since I began accutane too. I hope they go away when we are done with our treatment sad.png I wouldn't even call them scars...I don't think. They are not dents or anything. Just flat red spots!! evil.gif

I'm so nervous to increase my dosage (day after tomorrow) from 30-60mg/day. I'm barely dry now but I'm worried that my lips will really take a beating. I think I've freaked out about my lips more than anything. I like my lips sad.png I like to use my lips! LOL. JK. Oh well, none of that business for a while anyway...hehe.

Can't wait until this is all over and we are clear!

Best of luck to you



Posted : 09/05/2012 2:03 am

Day 68


I have to get up for school tomorrow and I just don't think it's gonna happen, guys.


Progress pics.








Posted : 09/06/2012 8:00 pm

Day 70 | Week 10


More slow improvement. Things have been getting better for a decent time now... I may break out again, but I'm at least in a period of inactivity. I can't say things are peeling very quickly, but they're certainly peeling.


A couple new lesions around the eyebrows, but they're small.


Posted : 09/07/2012 11:01 pm

Day 71


More of the same, mostly. Nothing new in terms of actives. A pill behind, no big deal. A few notes:


1. I've been walking to and from school. The to part isn't too bad, since the UV is low, but in the afternoon I'm sure the sun isn't helping w/ red marks, so I think I'm gonna start taking the bus.

2. Been flaking a lot more recently... only noticeable up close, but it's basically all over my cheeks and especially to the sides of my mouth.

3. Have been needing to apply Aquaphor much more lately.

4. Eczema comes and goes, right now it's gone. My upper arms are still really dry to the touch, but they aren't red and they aren't itchy.


Posted : 09/09/2012 12:52 am

Day 72

Ok, the rate at which new lesions are forming is nearing 0/day, definitely. I don't expect to go the rest of the course without any sort of breakout, but I think I'm at the point where I can say the IB is unquestionably over.


I have no idea how my face will look by the end of the treatment. I could end up looking clear, I could end up looking mostly as I do now, just a little bit better. Probably closer to the latter, just to be realistic; a lot of people report that PIH improvement slows down on Accutane. Still, three and a half months is a long time, so I can't be sure of anything.


Posted : 09/09/2012 5:21 pm

Day 73


The number of active lesions is in the single digits right now. (To clarify, when I say active I just mean still inflamed/a considerable bump.) Haven't been able to say that since around the end of month one! I've been moisturizing more recently, too... Surprisingly, I can nearly prevent flaking altogether with just daily moisturizing.


Posted : 09/10/2012 7:15 am

Crashing your log again biggrin.png I see progress man, congrats! I haven't had any active pimples in atleast 2 weeks now smile.png *Knock on wood*.

Have you had any cracking skin, or eczema? I myself have had great trouble with the sides of my lips crackling and scabbing. It's so painful to eat/laugh/yawn :<

Also I've developed some eczema patches on my forearms and they just don't seem to heal. I'm kind of scared that it will go on for the rest of the course, they

are extremely itchy and red. I guess it's a trade-off between acne and extereme dryness of the skin. Keep posting man =)


Posted : 09/10/2012 8:07 pm

Day 74


No new actives, I think. I actually have only four or five active right now. :)


Also, if anyone's curious about what I'm doing w/ my face in general currently, it's not much. I apply the CeraVe hydrating cleanser and a tea tree oil-based wash in the shower, then apply moisturizer about 15-30 minutes after I get out. I take evening showers, so if I feel dry in the morning, I'll apply moisturizer then too. That's basically it; if I know I'll be out in the sun for 20+ minutes, I'll put on sunblock.


I'll throw in my weeklyish red mark update by saying that they are looking a bit better, I think. A little less red, a little more pink.



Crashing your log again biggrin.png I see progress man, congrats! I haven't had any active pimples in atleast 2 weeks now smile.png *Knock on wood*.

Have you had any cracking skin, or eczema? I myself have had great trouble with the sides of my lips crackling and scabbing. It's so painful to eat/laugh/yawn :<

Also I've developed some eczema patches on my forearms and they just don't seem to heal. I'm kind of scared that it will go on for the rest of the course, they

are extremely itchy and red. I guess it's a trade-off between acne and extereme dryness of the skin. Keep posting man =)



Posted : 09/11/2012 7:40 pm

Day 75 | 5/12 done


One new active on the chin, not sure if it's a cyst or not. That puts an end to my streak of no new actives, but it was a good run, right?


Oh, and I forgot my Aquaphor today in a rush... murderous.



I was wearing trousers today, and for the majority of the day it wasn't a problem... had worn jeans a few days before, not a problem then either... I've just developed the WORST eczema-like patches just above my knees on the insides of my legs. Applying CeraVe constantly. It feels like a sunburn constantly being touched.


EDIT 2: Well, after inspecting my face post-shower, it appears as though I actually have a few new actives, but aside from the one on my cheek, they're pretty small.


Posted : 09/12/2012 2:52 am

Keep it up bro almost to the horizon :) lucky


Posted : 09/12/2012 8:27 pm

Day 76


Ok, very suddenly I'm starting to get eczema/rashes (not sure which) everywhere except my face and torso. Upper arms, forearms, legs... they're big areas too, which sucks. I'm trying to wear loose clothing to help deal with it, and I think I'm gonna switch up how I use soap in the shower so there's less abrasion. This started happening right after I started taking both my pills at once... so I might change that back, just to be safe.



In other news:

- The new active stuff seems to be already coming to heads, which is the bright side of things

- I've decided to stop using the tea tree oil wash, I'm not a fan of some ingredients in it. I won't be replacing it with anything because I see no necessity to

- I've been getting only about 6-7 hours of sleep a night recently. I'm trying to change that, but getting into a reliable routine is difficult for me, especially when I'm used to a weird one


Posted : 09/13/2012 7:26 pm

Day 77 | Week 11


Two pills behind now, whoops. I'm just gonna take 3 today. That spot on the chin is looking like it will fall off soon. Still have some minor spots on the forehead/sides of face and some resilient stuff on the cheeks. There are a couple of spots on my left cheek that seem to be opaque, not really zit-like? I don't know what's up with that.


The rash thing comes and goes throughout the day


Posted : 09/14/2012 11:04 pm

Day 78


Things seem more or less the same... dry patches haven't been so bad. That's all there is to say, really...


Senior year SUCKS, 5 AP classes + college apps + studying for the SAT and SAT IIs is hellish.
