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Malassezia pityrosporum folliculitis, candida, leaky gut


Posted : 04/20/2019 10:43 pm

Someone here in the group have success stories about cure the malassezia pityrosporum folliculitis, candida and leaky gut?

Eat banana, apple, pumpkin, oat, bean are notrecommended for who havemalassezia pityrosporum folliculitis, candida and leaky gut. But if someone have these diseases and eat all these foods without symtoms, without bad reaction, is ok to eat all these foods, right?


Posted : 04/21/2019 12:16 am

It is not possible to cure candida or malassezia with diet. Eating sugar, gluten, inflammatory foods dairy etc. can make candida and malasezzia worse, but diet alone will not cure either of these fungal conditions. The above foods will NOT make candida or malasezzia worse - there is a lot of incorrect nonsense on the web about diet and candida/malasezzia.

The first step is to work out whether one has malasezzia or one has candida. Dandruff, flaking skin, seborrheic dermatitis, red spots, "pimples", possibly nodules, "pimples", folliculitis, possibly cysts and ingrown hairs are indicative of malasezzia. A white coating on one's tongue, itchy/painful red rash, nodules, cystic acne, folliculitis, and possibly ingrown hairs (along with unexplained tiredness and headaches, and sometimes sinusitis and irritable gut) are symptoms of candida.

I can provide advice on how to get rid of skin malasezzia (which is the same as pityrosporum follicultis) or of skin and gut candida (malasezzia is usually a skin condition only), if you can give me some information about whethe you have dandruff and/or a white coating coating on your tongue.

In brief, topical nystatin cream will control skin candida, oral nystatin (which is safe) will control gut candida and topical terbenafine will control skin malasezzia (along with climbazole, not to be confused with clotrimazole). Keep your skin dry and NEVER use moisturisers on affected areas.
