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Curing bacne without medication


Posted : 04/18/2018 4:18 pm

First off all, excuse my English since I am not a native speaker.
I have struggled with acne since I was 10 years old, now I'm 34. I've tried birth control pills and antibiotics with good results before. However, after having a baby my body has changed, and now I get sick from any sort of pills, and the antibiotics make my stomach very... troubled. The Iso treatment is not an option for me since I'm severly allergic to peanuts. So, I will try to fix my acne without medication. The acne is now only on my back, put its bad. Really bad.

This is what I do now:
Shower every day
Change clothes every day
Change sheets every week
Super allergic detergent
Epiduo cream every night
Water water all day
No milk
I take sink and omega 3
Lots of excersise

Any good tips more things I should be doing? I am puzzled to why its only on my back. Before my pregnancy it was also in my face.


Posted : 04/28/2018 1:23 pm

This soap helped my acne clear on my chest/neck/back - I had acne all over my chest for at least 8-10 years, down my back too (Im only 25)... I still get bumps, but this has helped significantly! I useit twice a day with a body poof in the shower, I let it sit on my back and chest for a few minutes and then rinse off. I used it in combination with a lotion from the dermatologist called sulfacetamide (it was basically sulfur without the smell), but even if you dont go to the doctor, I would still try the soap - I think it really helped my back clear up quicker than my chest or neck. And Im one of those people that has tried literally everything from the drugstore! Best of luck to you, I know how frustrating it is!!
