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Scalp acne and gaming


Posted : 06/25/2016 3:05 am

Does staying up late playing video games cause acne? I been noticing for the past 2 years when I fell into a depression and did nothing but work during the day and stay up all night playing video games was when I noticed that I was starting to breakout around my hairline.. I do have small scars here and there but I am trying to figure out what is causing it.. And if there is some type of medication or something herbal to eat that can help please let me know.. I did stop taking steaming hot baths and that helped a lot but still trying to find the main roottoit all..


Posted : 06/26/2016 12:23 am

irregular sleeping pattern can cause acne breakouts. I will definitely try to get 6 - 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis and see if it gets better again.

Thatguy02 liked

Posted : 06/26/2016 4:24 pm

Thank you for the response and I was experminting with sleeping at 6 or 7am then seeing how the flare up would start and I noticed that once my body starts to get exhausted is when I can feel the extra oil start to produce more on my face and the acne in general starts to inflame. I never had this issue until 2 years ago so it's very nerve racking.
