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Bacne - Epiduo


Posted : 03/22/2010 3:16 pm

Hey guys, I'm new here and 3 weeks ago my dermatologist gave me Epiduo (adapalene and benzoyl peroxide) Gel 0.1% / 2.5% and Doryx DR 150 MG antibiotic for my chest/back (moderate acne) and in the first week I used it twice a day because derma told me, and as I suspected my skin would burn like crazy and get really dry and red and all that in the 2nd and 3rd week I reduced it and only applied it at night and started applying cetaphil moisturizing lotion (noncomedogenic) twice a day because I take a shower in the morning and night


Morning: take antibiotic, shower and use normal Dove moisturizing soap to wash and then dry off and use cetaphil on back/chest


Night: normal Dove moisturizing soap to wash and then dry off and apply Epiduo, then cetaphil over it to help with the drying and burning


my problem is, the acne has seem to spread on parts of my chest that didn't have acne prior to the treatment, also parts of my skin are discoloring and i'm getting a lot of comedones (black heads) in my follicles and white heads, it doesn't seem to be improving and I'm getting really depressed :( nothing seems to be working


(I'm using adapalene 0.1% Differin on my face and it's keeping it clear without burning or anything, do you think my skin just hates benzoyl peroxide that is in the epiduo..when I used to use duac which also contained bp my face burned and discolored)


thx for any advice guys


Posted : 09/11/2014 12:22 am

Amazing! How did you launch so quickly? Have you started shipping yet?
