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Is salicyclic acid making my acne worse? should i continue to use it?


Posted : 08/27/2018 9:07 am

hi, so i have been using a salicyclic acid face wash for exactly 6 weeks now, day and night. My skin started purging during the second week and it is still continuing to purge. My acne has not cleared up at all and has gotten worse since i started using the SA face wash. SA is supposed to clear out all the gunk from your face hence the purging, but from what i have been reading online it should only last 3-4 weeks. Since using it i have gotten way more cystic acne and whiteheads. If anyone here has experience with SA, should i continue to use the product? Do you think my skin is still purging? or is it irritated by the SA?
I appreciate any responses, thank you!


Posted : 08/27/2018 9:59 pm

SA face washes arent helpful as they sont stay on the skin youd have to get a topical BHA for it to work effectively. Another thing if the acidity of thr cleanser is to base and not acidic it wont work I read SA need a Ph of 3-4 it to be effective. Chances are your cleanser has fragrance and a comedogenic ingridient as most big brand companies use. Just because it says SA dont think tjat the ingridient will be good. Check your ingridients.
SA is also drying and if youre using a mositurizer once again check for comedogenic ingridients. The website has a list just type comedogenic list it should list all the ingridients that rate from 0-5 watch out for the 5. Especially in showers shamppos almost all have Laureth-20 and SLS which is a dam 5 and 5 thatll clog and irritate pores. Something Lauroyl Sulphate something like that should be the first ingridient.
