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Transitioning from BP to epiduo


Posted : 06/02/2016 9:23 am

I've been using BP for about 5 weeks now. For the first two weeks, I used it once a day and for the past three weeks I've been using it twice a day, only because I saw Dan's regimen and he had bp to be used twice a day. I take doxycycline 50mg twice a day and use a glycolic cleanser. I'm still at that initial breakout that is really horrible, my facial skin is literally deformed and it hurst so much to touch that I can't sleep on my side, it has now started to calm down though. I recently bought epiduo, basically the same thing but with the adapalene. Its recommended that I use it nightly, but since I've been using BP twice a day, how should I go about using epiduo? I'm more inclined into taking epiduo at night and using normal BP in the morning, however according to the leaflet, I'm not supposed to use epiduo with other bp products. Thoughts?


Posted : 06/02/2016 10:36 am

I don't know if you know this but epiduo contains bp and adapalene (aka differin) so that's why you're probably not supposed to use the 2 together. Epiduo can cause an initial breakout so be aware that you could break out worse. Try a test patch for a week and see how your skin reacts. You could still carry on using the bp on the rest of your acne to compare.
