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Posted : 08/01/2015 8:56 pm

Has anyone tried the Neutrogena Acne control kit with the salcylic acid face wash, benzoyl peroxide lotion, and the moisturizer. If so did it work? Did you have any initial breakouts or "purging"? I am currently on week 3 of it and am recovering from a breakout it caused and was wondering whether or not to stick to it! Also has anyone used benzoyl peroxide and expirienced a initial breakout? If so how long did it last? Anything helps, Thanks!!


Posted : 08/01/2015 10:14 pm

Hi, well here in Australia they don't sell that kit but I personally haven't had any success with the brand including that stress control wash. Benzoyl peroxide is very effective at the start then your skin gets used to it and it ain't that helpful anymore, so annoying how the acne fights back. The multiple times I've uses BP I never got an initial breakout, I recommend you use a gentle face wash and Azealic acid cream. - Much more gentle then BP and you should find it from your pharmacy or 'drugstore'. Google it and look into the cream.


Goodluck, Also if you're wanting to stick with just BP then Benzac sells a benzoyl peroxide wash which seems alright.


Btw I have bad red marks, nothing helps. Does your acne leave marks, if so how do you treat them?.




Posted : 08/01/2015 10:39 pm

Hi, well here in Australia they don't sell that kit but I personally haven't had any success with the brand including that stress control wash. Benzoyl peroxide is very effective at the start then your skin gets used to it and it ain't that helpful anymore, so annoying how the acne fights back. The multiple times I've uses BP I never got an initial breakout, I recommend you use a gentle face wash and Azealic acid cream. - Much more gentle then BP and you should find it from your pharmacy or 'drugstore'. Google it and look into the cream.

Goodluck, Also if you're wanting to stick with just BP then Benzac sells a benzoyl peroxide wash which seems alright.

Btw I have bad red marks, nothing helps. Does your acne leave marks, if so how do you treat them?.


I don't see how that's possible because Benzoyl peroxide is proven to be one of the only things that acne bacteria can't be immune too so maybe your skin just had a reaction to your product? idk I have faith in benzoyl but I'll try azelic if it doesn't work! and I'm really sorry but my acne just doesn't seem to leave any marks after they go away I'm not sure why. if your getting marks that probably means that your popping them (correct me if I'm wrong) if that's the case you need to right away after popping it disinfect the area and I put neosporin on it which really helps heal it up very fast. Let me know if that helps I'm not really sure! sorry


Posted : 08/01/2015 10:45 pm

Nah I never pop them, I'm on accutane now so at least the acne has stopped. Yeah that is true with BP but I've known many others who it stops working on, but do stick with it and see how ot goes. Goodluck


Posted : 08/02/2015 1:41 pm

The problem with using both SA and BP so often (in both a cleanser and treatment cream) is that this can cause so much drying; it will clear up active blemishes, but the surrounding skin will dry out and eventually your body will recognize this and start producing more sebum (oil), which will lead to more acne blemishes down the road. I think using SA or BP as a spot treatment is just fine, but treating the entire face where blemishes are currently not, is a risk I am no longer will to take. I've been BP-free for 1-1/2 hrs and my skin is no longer dry and more lush than it is has ever been. When I do get a hormonal breakout, I treat the breakout with charcoal masques and a clear skin probiotic masque and maybe SA, but not my entire face. I also use very mild & gentle products (see my signature for details) ... Eminence is a wonderful organic skin care line that can effectively treat acne (read reviews)... it's not a store-bought, big brand name, but it works and it's worth every penny. You can order it online or find a local spa retailer. It's so so worth investing in quality skin care... Neutrogena, CerVe, Cetaphil, and so many others still contain harmful ingredients like SLS, Carbomer, and parabens. The phrase "dermatologist recommended" is not regulated, nor licensed. It's like saying "this natural beef" but it could be beef treated with hormones (aka, not natural)... don't believe any of it because it's not true! Derm's get a commission cut on handing out samples and writing prescriptions, do your own research and rely on them as a last resort or if you have an emergency case. At least, that's my two cents.

[Edited link out]
