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Initial Breakout With Salicylic Acid?


Posted : 07/21/2015 3:45 pm

Four days ago I started using the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Cream Cleanser because it has both salycilic and glycolic acid in it and I thought it would be good for some of the hyperpigmentation/few pimples I had. I started using it and literally the next day my face started to mildly break out. I got a bunch of little whiteheads on my forehead and I never get acne there, I got a few small pimples around my nose, and my cheeks are gradually getting a few pimples too. It's not severe or anything, it's just freaking me out a bit because I normally don't break out from SA products. I know SA is supposed to like unclog your pores and all that good stuff so I'm aware that may be whats happening (all of the acne from under the surface is being brought to the surface) but I just wanted to make sure. Should I keep using the product? If so, for how long should I wait?


Posted : 07/23/2015 11:03 pm

I can't use salicylic acid.. it makes my skin worse and very red. It doesn't work for me. I have to use benzoyl peroxide. Maybe it's too much for your face? Good luck.


Posted : 07/27/2015 2:16 am

It does that to me too.. Its too harsh on my skin.


Try "lucas papaw" ointment its honestly amazing.. I've tried everything and its the one thing that's worked


Posted : 07/27/2015 10:53 am



Did you ever have closed comedones/ flesh colored bumps on your forehead?



Did you ever have closed comedones/ flesh colored bumps on your forehead?

Four days ago I started using the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Cream Cleanser because it has both salycilic and glycolic acid in it and I thought it would be good for some of the hyperpigmentation/few pimples I had. I started using it and literally the next day my face started to mildly break out. I got a bunch of little whiteheads on my forehead and I never get acne there, I got a few small pimples around my nose, and my cheeks are gradually getting a few pimples too. It's not severe or anything, it's just freaking me out a bit because I normally don't break out from SA products. I know SA is supposed to like unclog your pores and all that good stuff so I'm aware that may be whats happening (all of the acne from under the surface is being brought to the surface) but I just wanted to make sure. Should I keep using the product? If so, for how long should I wait?
