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I Am Using Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% (Benzac) From 6 Days, Please Help


Posted : 12/15/2012 3:33 am

Hi allzz..


I am 20 years old and I am a Male, From India.


I got acne breakout first time and I tried many products but I didn't got any noticable results. So I started using Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% (Benzac) on 9th december 2012, all my acne are magically gone, all pimples dried up, just their brown spots are there which will heal slowly.


I am using this twice a day.


But I want to know about 1 thing, People says that their skin get's dry, itches, or starts peeling, But it didn't happened with me yet, My skin is absolutely normal now, No Dryness, No peeling, no redness.. I just feel little itching after applying it for about 20-25 minutes then nothing.


So I want to know is this okay or should I increase to 5% ?


Also tell me how much time does 2.5% takes to give us perfect, smooth and clear skin ?


Thank You So much for reading and helping.


Posted : 12/15/2012 4:40 am

I am from india too.

2.5% is fine . Use moisturizer after BP dries up.

In my case, breakouts kept happening when i stopped BP. So BP became part of my life for 2-3 years. It helped prevent new breakouts and i was totally dependent on it every day and night.


Your mileage might vary.


Posted : 12/15/2012 6:31 am

I didn't used any mousturiser and still my skin is not dry :P is it even working or not ?


Posted : 12/15/2012 1:48 pm

You should know if its working or not. if you are not getting new breakouts then its working. you need tiny weeny bit of moisturizer or you skin looks dry when you apply more BP.
