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redness and itchy with photo


Posted : 01/26/2016 8:24 pm

halo...i am on my regiment day 3 this morning...
I only have acne problem on my chin, but trust acne problem on my chin is very serious, it will painful even though I have movement on my mouth~
Start using the regiment, my chin clear within 2 days, but very dry, I put my make up on, and skin look like peeling, so i bought the jojoba oil, and use it last night with moisturizer, this morning I woke up, the dryness is much better, however, my chin still look redness, even though i put on my make up~
I dunno should i continue the regiment, I would like to know if the jojoba oil can help with the redness? as I only use the jojoba oil at night....
and every time i put on my BP..i feel so painful as well..=(
what should i do~~~
You can see the photo that my acne  is clear...but turning to very red..this is the first day that I took this is more and more it normal and will back to normal if I get use to bp?




Posted : 01/28/2016 11:10 am

This is very normal. Your skin is adjusting to the BP so it will feel itchy and dry and irritated. That is what moisturizer is for. Makes sure you moisturize enough these first few weeks so it can help with the problem.
