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Regimen Angst


Posted : 02/12/2015 8:57 pm

I moderately researched Dan's regimen and the feedback it got before buying it. I've paid for the regimen and I will stick it out, religiously, at least until the products run out. I'm now on my 5th night of the regimen, and I'm following it strictly and using a very small amount of BP. My face is tight most of the time, to the point, simple facial expressions, eating and talking hurts. I've started to flake, and due to this, I've developed some anxiety. I know these are typical symptoms that everybody goes through, but I've come across some worrying information and I'm also intrigued about some things. I have some questions for anybody who is willing to answer:

1. A lot of people have given feedback, but how long should I really expect to look flaky, dry and feel tight? - Because it's making me not want to leave my house to socialise. I'm suffering from unhealthy-looking pigmentation, quite severe flaking and I'll be fine sticking it out especially as I'm in the early stages, but after reading some threads about how you can suffer these symptoms for months and how I'll have to go to work looking like this for a long time - I'm feeling despair. Of course, the initial acne is ruining my life anyway, but acne is acne, and as soul-crushing as it is, I think looking wildly unhealthy with dry and flaky skin for many weeks is infinitely worse.

2. Is Dan's Jojoba oil exclusive, or are most organic Jojoba oil market products the same? - I'm from the UK and paying 30 for oil when there are products for less than 10, seems like a bad idea, especially when I'll be losing 70 a month on the regimen anyway.

3. Does Benzoyl Peroxide contribute to premature aging and cancer or any other bad long-term problems I should worry about?

4. I'm male and still in my late teens, yet I seem to be consistently breaking out in the hormonal areas that women typically break out (the cheeks etc) and I was wondering if there was perhaps a different way to approach this, instead of destroying my face for months and ruining my confidence, for the months I have to look flaky, red and dry?

5. Have any of you actually found a visit to the dermatologist useful? - Because I've heard they'll just prescribe you a topical treatment or antibiotics, only without the in depth details that Dan provides.

6. A lot of people have said that dairy and other diet relations are the root cause of acne, has anybody directly found this to be true?

7. Has anybody gone on the regimen for less than six months, successfully powered through it, and then gone without it and found out that their acne is permanently gone?

I have mild to moderate acne, and it usually only breaks out anywhere below the eyebrows part of my face. Some acne cases have it way worse than me, and when I look at the big picture, spots on my face is a minute problem compared to the things other people go through, but personally, it's ruining my life, and I'd like to have clear skin.

Thanks, I hope for some replies.

Member Customer Service

Posted : 02/13/2015 4:48 am

Hello Talking Head,

That's a lot of questions you have there. Send us a message through customer service and I'll personally answer your questions about The Regimen. However, you may find most of your questions answered at our FAQ page. Cheers!
