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Please Help


Posted : 11/01/2013 12:10 pm

Hi everybody!

I need to make a decision on whether to start the regimen or not. I have light acne but what i most suffer from red marks all over my face, the acne is not my biggest concern, since the regimen causes irritation, red, and flakky i dont know whether to put my skin through all this to get where i want my skin to be. Please give me some opinions. Im so desperate i been suffering from this since i was 12 years old and now im 19.








Posted : 11/01/2013 7:12 pm

I would definitely go for it. My acne is a lot like yours and I'm in my third week of the regimen. It definitely causes some irritation but my best advice is to find the right moisturizer and it won't be so bad. I've gone through lots of trial and error these first weeks lol. But my skin is smoothing out already and the pros are definitely outweighing the temporary cons. If you're on here wondering that means that your acne is bothering you. It's better to go through some irritation for a little while and then have clear skin than to just be bothered by acne for who knows how many more years. Also definitely at least order the treatment from this website. I started with neutrogena on the spot and it's hard to rub around and absorbs way too fast. I don't think you would be dissapointed by the regimen at all. Just go into it with patience and you'll be happy :)


Posted : 11/02/2013 12:18 pm


The regimen doesn't cause irritation unless u do it wrong. It does in the beginning but that's what moisturizer is for! It def worked for me and my acne was waay worse than yours. Go for it!



Keep in mind u may break out constantly for the 3 months of being on the regimen. but trust me it's worth it! u just have to stick with it.
