Gets Worse Before I...
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Gets Worse Before It Gets Better?


Posted : 01/30/2013 8:42 pm

I've suffered from moderate acne for years now, and I finally decided to give the regimen a try. This is almost my third week doing the regimen (19 days to be exact), and I was just curious how much worse, if at all, other users skin got before it got better? The first week went fine for me, my face seemed to be on the road to improvement. Ofcourse I started experiencing the dryness that I know is inevitable... that I can handle. However over the last week or so, I have had cystic pimples popping up like crazy. I currently have about 7, and it seems like every day a new one appears.


Did this happen to anyone else? I know that the regiment takes time, and that I shouldn't expect clear skin yet or anything. I guess I'm just looking for a little bit of reassurance that this isn't a completely unheard of reaction during the second-third week of use?


Posted : 01/31/2013 12:00 am

Its a perfectly normal reaction for your skin to get worse in the first few weeks. It happened to me and also many people have said the same on the boards.

My skin started to magically clear up in the first week, and then during the second week I broke out and had more pimples then ever, plus the fact that my face was red and dry it was not a pretty sight.

But I persevered and things started to look up in the 5 week. After I added AHA to the regimen my skin kept improving until I was completely clear by week 9-11.

So my advice to you is to be patient, be consistant and be gentle. It will start to get better and you will find you break out less and less each week but its a gradual process. Good luck and hang in there! :)


Posted : 02/03/2013 10:35 pm

This also happened to me, I'm on my second month on the regimen, in week 2, 3 and 5 my skin was horrible, I had large cystic acne all over my cheeks and chin, in the 6th week things started to improve dramatically, and then I added the AHA+ and my skin is doing great, it is still by no means perfect, and at the moment I have a couple small pimples but nothing but overall my skin feels and looks so much better. Keep going with it, good luck!
