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Is There Something Wrong With My New Tube Of Bp?


Posted : 09/14/2015 8:50 am

Hi all,


So I've been using Dan's BP no problem for a few years, no problem. I just got a new tube in a few days ago so I started using that.


Yesterday, however, I had a sudden breakout in whiteheads around my mouth. I attributed it to weather since my acne always starts acting up when it gets colder, but today it has gotten worse, and my acne has never been this bad.


Do you guys think that there is something different about this BP? Or should I keep on using it and blame the weather?


Posted : 09/14/2015 4:34 pm

Did you change anything in your routine? Having more dairy? Adding in other products besides the regimen?

MonroeQT liked

Posted : 09/14/2015 5:23 pm

Did you change anything in your routine? Having more dairy? Adding in other products besides the regimen?

Thanks for taking the time to respond!


My routine has been pretty steady:


I wash my face with Lush Coalface in the morning and Cetaphil daily facial cleanser at night


I apply's BP


I apply Olay Complete combination/oily moisturizer.


The only things that have really changed are the container the BP came in and the weather. Dan's BP hasn't done this to me before and my skin does react badly to abrupt changes in weather, so I might be inclined to believe that it is the weather, since the breakout is only happening around my mouth.


I haven't consumed more dairy as far as I remember... I try to avoid it.


Posted : 09/14/2015 5:54 pm


Did you change anything in your routine? Having more dairy? Adding in other products besides the regimen?

Thanks for taking the time to respond!


My routine has been pretty steady:


I wash my face with Lush Coalface in the morning and Cetaphil daily facial cleanser at night


I apply's BP


I apply Olay Complete combination/oily moisturizer.


The only things that have really changed are the container the BP came in and the weather. Dan's BP hasn't done this to me before and my skin does react badly to abrupt changes in weather, so I might be inclined to believe that it is the weather, since the breakout is only happening around my mouth.


I haven't consumed more dairy as far as I remember... I try to avoid it.


Hmm. It could also concern hormones. Usually that is my problem when I breakout around my mouth, jaw and chin. But again, it could also be the weather. I found that drastic changes from warm to cold weather really flips my skin out. Is your face drier now? Because a little bit more moisturizer helps, at least I have noticed for my skin.


Posted : 11/05/2015 3:05 pm

I've experienced a string of break-outs too since starting a new bottle of BP. Every week on this new bottle I have several new breakouts and can't get them under control.

Nothing in my routine has changed except starting a new bottle of BP. Weather's good, I have no history of hormonal breakouts. Also, was breakout-free for 2+ years using The Regimen until this bottle. :/


Posted : 12/02/2015 11:33 am

I just wrote about the same thing!! I've been using BP for 10 whole YEARS. I've been doing the regimen religiously for 10 years night and day. The new bottle of BP I have is giving me a massive chemical burn on my entire face and is not clearing up my acne the way that it used to. I have a pretty bad breakout on my chin at the moment. It's not pretty....


there HAS to be a change to the formula...this is not normal.


Posted : 03/02/2016 12:41 am

Hey guys, what's the update on your skin? Is it getting better?
