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Digestion and acne problem


Posted : 12/12/2017 11:19 pm

I can't seem to figure out how to fix my digestion. I've cut out gluten, dairy, sugar, and most wheat, I'm drinking tons of water and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, I'm taking a probiotic and fiber. My acne has improved slightly, but I'm getting red bumps on my face from constipation. Has anyone had success curing their acne through fixing digestion? I'd just love an encouraging story right now, I'm in pain and distressed.


Posted : 12/13/2017 9:11 am

I also have a lot of digestion problems along with yeast overgrowth problems. You could possibly have leaky gut? It seems like you're doing everything right for your digestion. I've pretty much tried all the same stuff as you and have seen little improvement. Have you ever tried plain yoghurt, kimchi, or kombucha?


Posted : 12/13/2017 11:06 am

My gut is already fucked by accutane courses and antibiotics, i'm just taking zinc at the time. I feel daily discomfort and being stuffed.

What kind of stuff is better to recover flora? probiotics? Yakult works?

* (I STILL have acne!)


Posted : 12/13/2017 2:34 pm

5 hours ago, sendhelp said:

I also have a lot of digestion problems along with yeast overgrowth problems. You could possibly have leaky gut? It seems like you're doing everything right for your digestion. I've pretty much tried all the same stuff as you and have seen little improvement. Have you ever tried plain yoghurt, kimchi, or kombucha?

Yes, I've considered the leaky gut thing, but unfortunately won't be able to see my Gastroenterologist until Jan 3rd. I've never tried them, no. Should I? I'm currently taking a probiotic as well.


Posted : 12/13/2017 8:49 pm

I know that all of the foods I suggested contain a lot of healthy probiotics that are beneficial for your gut and digestion. I really don't know if they would help but you can always try!
