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Acne after starting B12 regimen, whats the protocol?


Posted : 01/17/2017 5:55 pm

Hi, I have been having B12 injections for over 2 months, this is when my acne started. I only had acne once before a few years ago when I used Dermalogica, it took 6 months to clear up when i stopped using it.
This acne I am told, it detoxification/purging. Its believed I have B12 deficiency which is why I am on injections, along with L-Lysine, B complex, Folic acid, Magnesium and I have just started a vegan version of cod liver oil. I was taking Zinc BUT it worries me, the toxification so i stopped.

I have always had beautiful skin. I am currently washing with a gentle wash and using a natural Acne cream. The large filled spots are going down to round red lumps, blackheads, and some white heads.
I am unsure of the best protocol for this, I understand i have to wait until my body has detoxed but is there anything else I can do to help? I have events coming up and would really like to clear this more if i can?

Posted : 01/17/2017 8:33 pm

One thing that might help is n-acetylcysteine (NAC). It's an all-natural detoxifier...cleanses the liver and helps toxins leave the body through stool. My son has been taking a product called PharmaNAC since August. It's an effervescent NAC and the most potent you'll find on the market. He takes 2 tablets daily (1,800 mgs NAC). His skin has never been clearer!!!


My son also started to break out heavily after being prescribed methyl B12, P5P (B6), and l-methylfolate (B9) due to enzyme issues that caused the deficiencies. This product has been life-changing for him, can't recommend enough!! It is pricey though, $32 for a 24-tablet box. We get them from our nutritionist.
