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Diary free diet trial


Posted : 09/28/2016 1:22 pm

So I have tried diary free diet for 3 days and going to say that it did not improved my acne at all. Why so short trial you would ask? Because there is no real sound scientific proof of relation between acne and milk. As Dan said acne is related to calory consumption. This is why in the beginning of diet(especially reducing carbs, as these has loads of calories) you seem to improve, but as body becomes used, you get breakout again. So it is CALORY DECREASE what is improving your acne! Now I am intrested in drinking baking soda to alkalize my body. Let's see what happens. Going to report the results. Also I have bought some litmus paper from China( do not know if they show correctly) to test my ph before alkalizing. Have any ideas or suggestions? You are very welcome!


Posted : 09/28/2016 5:07 pm

I'm surprised that you're dismissing the diary free diet saying it has no scientific evidence, yet to you happen to believe the ALKALINE DIET MYTH, which is totally unscientific.


Posted : 09/29/2016 9:03 am

Thank you for your reply! Article says truth about difference between urine and saliva ph testbecause I have tested it today for the first time. Saliva was about 7.5Ph while urine(tested twice) 6.5Ph.Everything makes sense, but why then do so many people preach about alkaline diets? Even Tonny Robbins recommends it!I decided to try drinking baking soda because of this thread by the way . So should I give it a try?
