Clear all vitamin you want to keep in balance!


Posted : 06/06/2016 1:34 pm

I'm learning a lot about how vitamin imbalances can impact acne and one vitamin in particular to be mindful of is calcium. A member posted awhile back saying that dairy actually helped his acne and many responded with doubts. True, for many people dairy consumption can worsen acne. But calcium I am learning plays a huge part in regulating our hormones as well as our inflammatory response. Consume too much calcium, and your body may secrete an overabundance of hormones, which can worsen acne. Consume too little calcium, and a deficiency may trigger an inflammatory response, which can worsen acne. So there definitely is some truth to calcium being good for acne!

While many people notice better skin when they avoid dairy products, it is good to get enough calcium in your multi-vitamin and other food sources. Calcium is not just for healthy bones, it is one of the most important messenger molecules used by our bodies and deeply connected with a number of processes, such as hormone regulation and inflammatory response, to name a few. Be sure you're also getting plenty of vitamin D3...this aids in calcium absorption!!

So for those with stubborn hormonal acne, it may be worthwhile having vitamin levels checked, and in particular, calcium and vitamin D3. Then you'll know if you'd benefit more from calcium supplementation, if you can skip the supplement, or if your supplement may be aggravating your acne. Almost everyone can benefit from a D3 supplement though.

Hope this is helpful to someone! |::)
