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Posted : 04/28/2016 11:44 am

Hello all. I'm new to this forum and to be honest only joined so that I could share a very encouraging story and hopefully make a difference for a lot of you. I've read through these forums for some time. I'm currently 24 years old and have been suffering from moderate/occasionally severe, cystic acne since I was about 15 years old. These seemed to be diet-related for the most part- everything from peanut butter to pasta sauce to eggs would cause huge flare ups on my forehead, around my mouth, and on my back . I tried antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, about a million different facewashes, vitamin/mineral combos, apple cider vinegar, everything. Recently, I have found what I believe to be my miracle supplement- Fermented cod  liver oil/butter oil by the company "Green Pasture". I am in no way endorsing this specific product- it's just the only one I've used. I ordered it online from Amazon ($50 for a two month supply). I take 2-3 of the capsules daily on an empty stomach- no side effects to note, not even fish burps. My energy is through the roof and my face and back have cleared up 100%. I can eat any food I want and not break out- I ate pizza, eggs, peanut butter, and ice cream on the same day to test this theory. Not a single zit, and typically this would have caused me a flareup of massive cysts within 12-24 hours. I honestly can't recommend it enough- it's a godsend. Nothing else has changed in my routine- i still just wash my face and back with a non-scented Ivory soap bar once daily as I have been for the past year or so. No other vitamins or supplements.  Give it a try and let me know your results! I hope this combo of essential fatty acids can help you all as much as it has helped me! I'm sure the hefty dose of vitamins A&D is extremely helpful as well. Good luck! :)

PS_ I've been taking this supplement for about 12 days now. The results were noticeable within two days. 

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/28/2016 2:21 pm

Thanks for sharing your clear-skin solution with our community!
Best wishes for continued success! :)


Posted : 05/11/2016 10:08 pm

Well you talked me into it 🙂 ordered mine this morning!! Keeping fingers crossed!!


Posted : 05/23/2016 8:09 am

I've heard of this. If it works, awesome. I think its the vitamin A plus it helps with inflammation.


Posted : 05/28/2016 10:51 pm

As a skeptic, I'll be skeptical.

This is a product that is only made by this company.

Makes you go hmm.


Posted : 05/31/2016 5:54 pm

So I have been on it for a couple acne is so much better but I don't know whether it's bc I eat a clean diet or this is my 3rd month in birth control or these pills...

I'm going to order a round of the gel next time to see if it absorbs better then after that I'll make up my mind to keep using or not


Posted : 05/31/2016 8:49 pm

2 hours ago, jspencer said:

So I have been on it for a couple acne is so much better but I don't know whether it's bc I eat a clean diet or this is my 3rd month in birth control or these pills...

I'm going to order a round of the gel next time to see if it absorbs better then after that I'll make up my mind to keep using or not

maybe all 3
