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Abnormal Protein Metabolism = Protein Allergy


Posted : 02/29/2016 7:44 am

Based on the Quantum Therapy Analyzer, I have abnormal Protein Metabolism, that is why maybe every time I eat chicken, egg, vegetable with high protein, I am breaking out (chicken and beef gives me huge cystic acne) and my face is so itchy, usually they form after 1 to 2 days. Maybe that's also the reason why I am allergic to gluten too. I think my immune system treats protein as an invader. I can only eat foods with minimal protein, and the only meat that I can eat is pork. I still having few acne (puss) around my chin that will get clear after few days, but not compared to those huge cystic acne before.I am 24, male, and currently taking Vitamin-D, Zinc and Multivitamin, drinking warm water with honey (due to Acid Reflux).

My question is:

1) Pork has protein too right? why I am not breaking out to it?
2) How can I heal these food allergies?
2) Can I eat organic chicken?
3) Would it be forever that I can't eat these foods? haha


Posted : 03/04/2016 11:41 am

All meat has protein
Have you gone to the doctor? If this is just a theory, I highly suggest seeing a nutritionist and a doctor, preferably one who deals with diet and allergies (most doctors arent too knowledgable in that department)
