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I Really Need Your Help Lost And Confused


Posted : 02/23/2015 10:14 am

hey guys ....i'll keep this short

i been on a clean diet for 4 months now ...right after i stopped accutane due to side effects

for 4 months i been eating only legumes (lentils+ kidney beans) plus sometimes meat and chicken ...and also vegetables seemed to help a lot ....but now i think it was just the accutane effect after i stopped it ....because now for a whole month i been only eating lentils and vegetables and not even meat ....but the acne didnt stop ;;;;I added sardines to my diet couple days ago and that caused a painfull withhead lost ....before i used to eat these same food with no problems i just eat lentils and kindey beans and vegetables in smouthies or soup or raw ...and im still breaking out

hell i dont even potatoes or any high GI vegetables

i wash my face 3 times a day and sleep on my back ...i keep my stress very low ....i dont know what im doing wrong

i feel so despered ...that im really considering going back on accutane and risking the side effects again

please guys help me out ...what im doing wrong i eating a bad food ...or its because im not eating the right food

sorry for my english


Posted : 02/23/2015 11:10 am

I know it is so frustrating...acne has a different cause for each of us....what CURES you may not CURE me...makes me crazy!

First of all, is low dose accutane and option? I'm talking 10 mg a will take much longer but the side effects may check on that, if not then you have to explore other options, is your acne mild, moderate or severe? is it cystic?


Posted : 02/23/2015 1:20 pm

are you getting calcium? Vitamin D? Vitamin a? I don't think what you're eating sounds right. A balanced diet with a range of fruits and vegetables is healthy. Only eating beans and lentils? Not healthy.


Posted : 02/23/2015 1:26 pm

thanks for answering

my acne is kinda mild at the moment ....but before accutane it was moderate ....and now if i start eating sugar or any food high in GI....i start having deep pimples and my acne become moderate again ....i wont lie ...cutting out sugar and junk food help keep the deep pimples away ...but im still getting pimples two pimples every 5 days ....but a month a go ...when i was as this same diet ...i was clear for the most part ...that is why im so angry ....its like it stopped working or accutane stopped working ...idk

all i know is my face gets oily if i stop drinking green smouthies in the morning

are you getting calcium? Vitamin D? Vitamin a? I don't think what you're eating sounds right. A balanced diet with a range of fruits and vegetables is healthy. Only eating beans and lentils? Not healthy.

hey thanks for answering

i know its not balanced ....but i was trying to eat safe food before introducing new stuff

but the weird thing is when i used to eat this diet ...i was clear ...but now ...i eat the same thing but im still breaking out

its so confusing


Posted : 03/05/2015 9:20 am

Hey fouzi94,

What does your skincare routine look like?
You mentioned you are washing your face 3 times a day. There is a chance that over irritating your skin could be causing your breakouts.

Also how is your digestion? Do you feel particularly bloated after eating a meal?


Posted : 03/05/2015 11:53 am

Hey fouzi94,


What does your skincare routine look like?

You mentioned you are washing your face 3 times a day. There is a chance that over irritating your skin could be causing your breakouts.

Also how is your digestion? Do you feel particularly bloated after eating a meal?

yes but that becuz i eat a lot of fiber and legumes ...and it didnt cause me acne before

i came to a conclusion that accutane was the one controlling my acne for the most part

so now im back on it on half the dose of last time (10 mg a day this time)

hopefully my liver couts wont get high this time around cuz its my last shot


Posted : 03/05/2015 12:20 pm

If you feel bloated after eating then you may have some digestive issues. Regardless of what caused you acne before.

Legumes can infact be an acne trigger for some people.
Everyones body responds differently to foods.

You can develop food intolerances and digestive problems, many people are not born with them.
I developed an intolerance to gluten over a number of years. I used to have clear skin and eat as much wheat, bread and pasta as I liked, but my body changed,
and only discovered that this was contributing to my acne when I changed my diet.

I hope that this course of Accutane cures your acne, and very good luck to you.

But, if you find yourself in the same position again in some time, and your acne has returned, despite this course of Accutane, I would urge you to consider making some diet changes and thinking about the possibility that your intense skincare regimen of washing 3 times a day might be too much for your sensitive skin. Accutane is not the final word in acne treatment, sometimes a full body, holistic approach is what's needed.

Good luck!


Posted : 03/05/2015 3:45 pm

If you feel bloated after eating then you may have some digestive issues. Regardless of what caused you acne before.


Legumes can infact be an acne trigger for some people.

Everyones body responds differently to foods.


You can develop food intolerances and digestive problems, many people are not born with them.

I developed an intolerance to gluten over a number of years. I used to have clear skin and eat as much wheat, bread and pasta as I liked, but my body changed,

and only discovered that this was contributing to my acne when I changed my diet.


I hope that this course of Accutane cures your acne, and very good luck to you.

But, if you find yourself in the same position again in some time, and your acne has returned, despite this course of Accutane, I would urge you to consider making some diet changes and thinking about the possibility that your intense skincare regimen of washing 3 times a day might be too much for your sensitive skin. Accutane is not the final word in acne treatment, sometimes a full body, holistic approach is what's needed.

Good luck!

thanks man

and i really love to hear about a good diet in your opinion ....becuz i tried doing paleo ...but chicken breaks me out ...for some reason ....i eat organic chicken but they are not free range .....and i cant find a good diet to keep my energy and weight very skinny even when i eat tons of junk food like most of us here in this board

thanks again


Posted : 03/07/2015 6:35 am

A good diet will be different for everyone.
For example some people find that all dairy breaks them out, but I can eat good quality yoghurt regularly and not break out at all.
Personally, I eat completely gluten free, almost no sugar except for on the odd occasion and fruits.

A typical days food for me will look like this:

Porridge with gluten free oats, almond milk, cinnamon, ginger, flaxseed and some raisins.

Stir fried or roasted vegetables with some sort of protein, either eggs or fish.
Sometimes I will have vegetable soups or quinoa.


Protein in the form of fish or eggs, sometimes brown rice or sweet potatoes for carbs and lots of steamed veggies.
I use a lot of coconut oil in my cooking (good for maintaining weight.)


I eat a lot of fresh fruits and nuts, avocados and homemade humous for good fats (especially if you are trying to gain weight)

If I crave something sweet I will eat good quality 85% cocoa dark chocolate or snack on some dates.


I only drink water and herbal teas. Namely peppermint, chamomile and green tea.
I will occasionally drink alcohol, not good for my skin but I personally choose to do so.

If you are concerned about maintaining your weight I recommend still eating very healthily but making sure you eat a lot of healthy fat in the form of nuts and avocados and good quality coconut and olive oil. (Olive oil should be used as a dressing, not cooked with, as it is very unstable at high temperatures.

I have also found, that for me personally, I cannot eat some vegetables raw as they cause indigestion, but I can eat them just fine when they are cooked. Diet is incredibly personal and what effects me may not effect you. It is a matter of trial end error, and it has taken me years to work out what is right for me, and I still wish to make some changes!

Let me stress again that this is the kind of diet that is working for ME and may not be right for everyone.

It may be a good idea for you to attempt an elimination diet of sorts, here is a link to some helpful information on elimination diets:

I hope that I could be of some help.
Good luck to you!


Posted : 03/14/2015 4:54 pm

i have recently started getting good results, after trying a variety of things [and probably damaging my skin in the process] over the past few months

i would say it would be a good idea to draw up a plan, and change things month by month, to make it a controlled experiment, and find out what does and what does not work

the important thing is to not fuck your skin up by being too harsh on it - that's the mistake i made before i took a more gentle approach

i too switched to vegan/vegetarian over the past couple years and didn't see miraculous results. sure, it could definitely be worse if i didn't, but it didn't stop new spots from forming entirely. for me it was about changing my skincare routine - what i'm doing now is sterilising a soft flannel in a saucepan of bottled spring water, then washing with a gentle organic face wash named 'green people foaming face wash,' then i apply *pharmaceutical grade quality* 5% benzoyl peroxide with 1% clindamycin that i picked up from the doctor, and shockingly, i have stopped waking up with new spots every morning the past couple weeks. also i started eating one or two eggs a day, blending a load of vegetables and eating them all every day. no tap water ever touches my face nowadays - there is alot of harsh chlorine in this city's tap water.

another problem i made in the past few months was giving up and not being willing to spend *a little* extra money on trying good quality, organic, plant based skincare products. i went nuts with tea tree oil for a while and that really damaged my skin pretty bad

i hope you work something out - for the love of god don't give up - that's something i went through phases of doing over the past few years - there MUST be a solution for your problem, but based on personal experience, it might not be easy to find.

please note i don't have the skin of angels as i once did a few years back, as a result of the past couple years of difficulty, but i definitely think i am improving, and will continue to improve


Posted : 03/19/2015 11:05 am


It sucks that you are feeling so confused and frustrated. I can relate to this. I felt like that for many years when I was suffering from acne. I have a few things to say about the diet you are currently on. I hope it helps.

Lentils and beans are very low in nutrition. They contain few things that you need for regular function. Additionally, they are high in lectins and anti-nutrients which can be irritaing to the gut. Gut problems are almost always found in people with acne. You really want to work on healing the gut and bringing it back into balance. Lentils also are high in carbohydrates and have an impact on blood sugar. Eating a diet of only lentils and beans is not going to support good health or clear skin.

I'm not saying to stop eating lentils and beans, but you should include way more variety in your diet. In my experience working with clients, a Paleo style diet seems to be the most effective in helping people with skin conditions. Don't get too caught up in the details but try to make it work for your individual needs. I would definitely consider adding in some high quality animal products in to your diet.

I would also not be a fraid of healthy fats, like coconut oil. Non starchy vegetables and leafy greens are very helpful for acne sufferers. And my advice is to reduce the lentils and beans to no more than 25% of your diet.

You should also consider bone broth for gut healing and starting a detoxification program. I hope this helps!

