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What's Happening?!


Posted : 04/21/2014 2:37 pm

Hey guys! Well I've had severe acne for 5 months now.. I have been able to manage most of the cysts until 5 days ago. Yet, I had a LOT of redness,scars, hyperpigmentation everywhere on my cheeks. 5 days ago, I went on a 48 hours fast with water only. As soon as I started my fast, face began to breakout everywhere. No cysts, but just whiteheads. I breakout where I normally don't... Also, my face seems to purge everything, all the tiny blackheads and all the pores seems to come out.

I've been taking supplements for a month now: Vitamin A,C,D,E Zinc

I've stopped taking them on the fast though.

I've been drinking MASSIVE amount of water in the past 3-4 days.

Anyone has an explanation of what is happening to me ?

Thanks everyone :)


Posted : 04/21/2014 6:13 pm

Too much water can cause acute deficiencies in electrolytes and flushes b vitamins readily out of the body. Its possible the A, D, E, and zinc could be making your acne worse. Instead of supplementing and dumping a dose of vitamins in your system, try to attain them from foods-eat your vitamins.

When your fasting your breaking down fat and protein stored in the body for an energy source. Breaking of fat can cause the release of toxins, and stimulates the inflammatory response. Just something to keep in mind if you continue to fast.


Posted : 04/21/2014 7:06 pm

thanks for the feedback!
