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Water Fast For Scars And Acne


Posted : 09/12/2013 5:24 pm

Try to take the elevator or just take it slow


Posted : 09/12/2013 9:46 pm

Nvm, i can't fast on friday because my friend is leaving and we are having a good bye dinner party for him. I'll do it after. So that's on monday or tuesday.


I'll just eat healthy to prepare my body before the fast.


Can i see your before and after picture of the icepick scar your talking about as well as your hypertrophic scar?


Posted : 09/13/2013 6:02 pm

I post them after the fast im starting my fast today :-)


Posted : 09/14/2013 7:38 am

Good luck! I'll be starting soon.


Posted : 09/14/2013 4:57 pm

i will fast on wednesday because my sisters birthday is on tuesday when will you fast aghhne?


Posted : 09/14/2013 6:41 pm

i will fast on wednesday because my sisters birthday is on tuesday when will you fast aghhne?

On monday or tuesday.


Posted : 09/14/2013 7:54 pm

Fasting can help skin and scars definitely. But I just want to encourage people not to go straight into water fasts. It's very tough. I tried it and lasted only 48 hours and then ate crap and felt really bad and never wanted to fast again haha!!

Anyway I think a good idea is to do things like eating REALLY clean for a while before fasting, then doing a few short fasts (24-72hrs), all the while not expecting your scars to just disappear but knowing that your helping your body to begin healing them.

Also maybe trying liver flushes and enemas and stuff.

You're body is capable of doing incredible healing if we allow it to. I really believe this even though I haven't personally experienced it. Damn, if people can overcome terminal illness through diet, I'm sure we can get rid of our scars in gentle ways!

Aghhne, duffq- good luck with your fasts, i'll be checking back here to see how ye are!


Posted : 09/16/2013 2:45 pm

Fasting can help skin and scars definitely. But I just want to encourage people not to go straight into water fasts. It's very tough. I tried it and lasted only 48 hours and then ate crap and felt really bad and never wanted to fast again haha!!

Anyway I think a good idea is to do things like eating REALLY clean for a while before fasting, then doing a few short fasts (24-72hrs), all the while not expecting your scars to just disappear but knowing that your helping your body to begin healing them.

Also maybe trying liver flushes and enemas and stuff. Read all about that kind of stuff on

You're body is capable of doing incredible healing if we allow it to. I really believe this even though I haven't personally experienced it. Damn, if people can overcome terminal illness through diet, I'm sure we can get rid of our scars in gentle ways!

Aghhne, duffq- good luck with your fasts, i'll be checking back here to see how ye are!


Yea, fasting takes a lot of mental power.

I have done 4 days of water fast last month. It was hard but i broke it because there was a really special occasion. But anyways, im determined to go atleast 14 days and 20 or 23 days max.

THough, i dont think doing short fasts like 1 day or 2 days is good.

Cause the first 3 days, our body consumes a little mucle for protein because it hasnt switch to ketones yet.

So if we keep doing short fast, we lose mucles for little benefit.

I'm a male so i dont wanna lose mucles. Mucles is harder to gain than fat lol.

I've ate cakes this past 2 days because of a farewell party and a birthday party. BUt that's all that i ate that's "unhealthy".

So I don't know if i should fast tommorow.


From what i understand, if you have a bad diet before fasting, you will have a harder time during the fast because your body wants to eat those sugary and fatty foods. Kinda like breaking an addiction from drugs and alcohol. ALso, you'll have more detox symptoms.


I'll drink a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar and drink cinnamon teas. Those will help.


Posted : 09/16/2013 7:30 pm

i have some stretch marks from growing in my back i will seif fasting will heal them ive heard fasting can heal them too


Posted : 09/18/2013 10:13 am

Okay i wont take sauna baths then, but do you have any tips on stuff you can do to help with the detox? :)


Posted : 09/18/2013 6:41 pm

Stayingpositive just relax and read books when you are thirsty drink water (dont drink to much water) when you feel tired go to bed dont worry to much stress is not good in a fast. There is also a five detox cycle you can do you can read about it here [Edited link out]

Starting my fast today


Posted : 09/18/2013 7:59 pm

On 9/19/2013 at 5:41 AM, duffq said:

Stayingpositive just relax and read books when you are thirsty drink water (dont drink to much water) when you feel tired go to bed dont worry to much stress is not good in a fast. There is also a five detox cycle you can do you can read about it here [Edited link out]

Starting my fast today

I started my fast also. So we started in the same day :D

Although im worried because i go to school.

So i dont know if it's the right time cause i work at the kitchen at school as well. In the kitchen we have to be fast plus i have to go up and down the stairs.

But i heard mild excercise is fine though.


Posted : 09/19/2013 4:42 pm

Guys, im having a hard time regarding food temptations.

Like, my family has been cooking my favorite foods like seriously.

And then they bought cakes and stuff.


Duffq, how do you deal with this.


Posted : 09/20/2013 2:49 am

Just a quick question - how do you guys deal with hunger and the effects of it? Sometimes I happen not to eat for 12 hours and the hunger is killing me. Not mentally, but physically - my stomach gets tight and makes growling sound, I get dizzy after bending over and can't focus on anything that's said on my lectures. I think I would literally die after 4 days of such fasting, it's something unimaginable for me :o How do you do that?


Posted : 09/20/2013 5:27 am

aghhne the hunger feeling will go away i have problem with that too but i just think about the benefits about fasting


Posted : 09/20/2013 7:11 am

Just a quick question - how do you guys deal with hunger and the effects of it? Sometimes I happen not to eat for 12 hours and the hunger is killing me. Not mentally, but physically - my stomach gets tight and makes growling sound, I get dizzy after bending over and can't focus on anything that's said on my lectures. I think I would literally die after 4 days of such fasting, it's something unimaginable for me :o How do you do that?

Umm, you're body probably has a food addiction. It may be caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fats, watever it is. It's like smoking. People who try to get rid of smoking habits tend to have withdrawal symptoms. They have head ache, insomnia, dizziness, etc.


I dont think you would die of fasting in just 4 days. Lol.

Your body naturally conserves fat. Even if your thin, it will store fat because it is smart and it is preparing itself for times when there is no food.

That's how our ancestors live. I mean food isnt readily available to them.


You need will power and strategies lol.


aghhne the hunger feeling will go away i have problem with that too but i just think about the benefits about fasting

Lol, yea my mind keeps telling me, "oh you can fast tommorow" a never ending tommorow.


I just tell my mind that after the fast, i will cook delicious healthy foods to enjoy. Ofc, ill break my fast slowly and the right way first before that.


But i am excited for the watermelon. Im breaking my fast with water melon for a few days.


Posted : 09/20/2013 8:49 am


Just a quick question - how do you guys deal with hunger and the effects of it? Sometimes I happen not to eat for 12 hours and the hunger is killing me. Not mentally, but physically - my stomach gets tight and makes growling sound, I get dizzy after bending over and can't focus on anything that's said on my lectures. I think I would literally die after 4 days of such fasting, it's something unimaginable for me gasp.gif How do you do that?

Umm, you're body probably has a food addiction. It may be caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fats, watever it is. It's like smoking. People who try to get rid of smoking habits tend to have withdrawal symptoms. They have head ache, insomnia, dizziness, etc.


I dont think you would die of fasting in just 4 days. Lol.

Your body naturally conserves fat. Even if your thin, it will store fat because it is smart and it is preparing itself for times when there is no food.

That's how our ancestors live. I mean food isnt readily available to them.


You need will power and strategies lol.



Hahaha, "that's how our ancestors lived" - have you been to any historical museum and saw how tiny and fragile they were? Dying from any simple illness ^^


I'm interested in water fasting, but after some research I found out that the recommended length is up to 28 days, not 40. And it's best to start off with shorter fasting.


Posted : 09/20/2013 2:50 pm









Just a quick question - how do you guys deal with hunger and the effects of it? Sometimes I happen not to eat for 12 hours and the hunger is killing me. Not mentally, but physically - my stomach gets tight and makes growling sound, I get dizzy after bending over and can't focus on anything that's said on my lectures. I think I would literally die after 4 days of such fasting, it's something unimaginable for me :o How do you do that?


Umm, you're body probably has a food addiction. It may be caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fats, watever it is. It's like smoking. People who try to get rid of smoking habits tend to have withdrawal symptoms. They have head ache, insomnia, dizziness, etc.

I dont think you would die of fasting in just 4 days. Lol.

Your body naturally conserves fat. Even if your thin, it will store fat because it is smart and it is preparing itself for times when there is no food.

That's how our ancestors live. I mean food isnt readily available to them.

You need will power and strategies lol.

Hahaha, "that's how our ancestors lived" - have you been to any historical museum and saw how tiny and fragile they were? Dying from any simple illness ^^

I'm interested in water fasting, but after some research I found out that the recommended length is up to 28 days, not 40. And it's best to start off with shorter fasting.

Yea, btw i would never recommend 40 days of water fasting. Although it says that the average person can fast for 40 days.

Heck even im doing it for just 20 days.

Also, ive already done shorter fasts (2-3 days) in the past 1 month. Yes, it's much better if you would do shorter fast first so that you have experience and your body wont be that shocked when you do an extended water fast.


For the humans that lived long ago, it depends on what kind you are talking about. It is a very complex subject.

There's homo sapiens, homo habilis, etc.

Also im aware that there is a skeleton named lucy which is very very very old, older than homo habilis. It was very small 3 and one half feet. And she was full grown. So i guess it's just evolution.

People didnt have this much food availability hundred years ago(which is a short amount of time as humans lived on earth for more than hundreds of thousand years). So there would be much adaptation and evolution going on, including our resistance to illnesses. Plus, im sure they dont have that much information about the diseases that time that they only have very limited knowledge to cure it nor prevent. Lol, and they probably dont even eat to be healthy. But they eat to alleviate hunger.


Posted : 09/20/2013 3:27 pm








Just a quick question - how do you guys deal with hunger and the effects of it? Sometimes I happen not to eat for 12 hours and the hunger is killing me. Not mentally, but physically - my stomach gets tight and makes growling sound, I get dizzy after bending over and can't focus on anything that's said on my lectures. I think I would literally die after 4 days of such fasting, it's something unimaginable for me gasp.gif How do you do that?

Umm, you're body probably has a food addiction. It may be caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fats, watever it is. It's like smoking. People who try to get rid of smoking habits tend to have withdrawal symptoms. They have head ache, insomnia, dizziness, etc.

I dont think you would die of fasting in just 4 days. Lol.

Your body naturally conserves fat. Even if your thin, it will store fat because it is smart and it is preparing itself for times when there is no food.

That's how our ancestors live. I mean food isnt readily available to them.

You need will power and strategies lol.

Hahaha, "that's how our ancestors lived" - have you been to any historical museum and saw how tiny and fragile they were? Dying from any simple illness ^^

I'm interested in water fasting, but after some research I found out that the recommended length is up to 28 days, not 40. And it's best to start off with shorter fasting.

Yea, btw i would never recommend 40 days of water fasting. Although it says that the average person can fast for 40 days.

Heck even im doing it for just 20 days.

Also, ive already done shorter fasts (2-3 days) in the past 1 month. Yes, it's much better if you would do shorter fast first so that you have experience and your body wont be that shocked when you do an extended water fast.


For the humans that lived long ago, it depends on what kind you are talking about. It is a very complex subject.

There's homo sapiens, homo habilis, etc.

Also im aware that there is a skeleton named lucy which is very very very old, older than homo habilis. It was very small 3 and one half feet. And she was full grown. So i guess it's just evolution.

People didnt have this much food availability hundred years ago(which is a short amount of time as humans lived on earth for more than hundreds of thousand years). So there would be much adaptation and evolution going on, including our resistance to illnesses. Plus, im sure they dont have that much information about the diseases that time that they only have very limited knowledge to cure it nor prevent. Lol, and they probably dont even eat to be healthy. But they eat to alleviate hunger.



Well, evolution happened mainly because of how flexible and inventive humans were - agriculture, animal farming. We are where we are thanks to finding out how to tame nature and not need to struggle for food. Hunger was always the driving force of evolution ;)

While our ancestors were undernourished and ready to cut someone's throat for a bread loaf, we have the possibilities to live a healthy life and choose the right foods, but excess goods make us greedy and lazy, so I definitely agree that fasting is needed to clean your body from all the things it doesn't really need to consume.


Anyway, I'm gonna try water fasting some day soon, definitely not during harsh Swedish winter though :)


Posted : 09/20/2013 8:43 pm

Ok so apart from the typical indented acne scars and raised ones, what do ye think of fasting to heal scarred and stretched pores?

I feel like they would be the most difficult to repair. Any experiences/opinions?


Posted : 09/21/2013 7:44 am

Ok so apart from the typical indented acne scars and raised ones, what do ye think of fasting to heal scarred and stretched pores?

I feel like they would be the most difficult to repair. Any experiences/opinions?

Well, pores arent scars. If you have large pores, i dont think there is a solution for that? That depends on your genetics. Look at your parent's skin so you have an idea of what your skin would normally look like.

Although, if your a teenager, when you get out of puberty your pores might shrink because your hormones are stabilized therefore less oil on your skin. My parents dont have large pores, but i have large pores on my nose.

So im guessing that's because im still a teenager and my hormones are crazy so it produces too much oil.


Btw, isnt scarred pores the same as icepick scars? Just smaller like pin pricks? If so, then yes it may be able to help it.


Everything i said is just my opinion so you dont have to believe it.


Posted : 09/21/2013 7:51 am

The hunger you feel is the best part with fasting , it balances alot of your hormones


Posted : 09/21/2013 2:12 pm

The hunger you feel is the best part with fasting , it balances alot of your hormones

How`d you know that? Im just curious, cause i havent read that anywhere.


I must say that hunger decreased today but i have moments when my i get hunger pains.


Posted : 09/21/2013 2:15 pm


The hunger you feel is the best part with fasting , it balances alot of your hormones

How`d you know that? Im just curious, cause i havent read that anywhere.


I must say that hunger decreased today but i have moments when my i get hunger pains.

Search on Google for it :)


Posted : 09/21/2013 2:50 pm


The hunger you feel is the best part with fasting , it balances alot of your hormones

How`d you know that? Im just curious, cause i havent read that anywhere.


I must say that hunger decreased today but i have moments when my i get hunger pains.

Search on Google for it smile.png

Sorry but i cannot see anything about it.
