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Diet And Acne. Compilation Of Studies.


Posted : 08/24/2013 1:15 am

In regards to Paleo... seriously the "best" weight loss diet (or lifestyle) ever to follow. Especially for those who are insulin resistant and have struggled to lose or maintain a normal weight.


Posted : 08/24/2013 8:05 am

Woah... That's some intense stuff up there ^^ haha!

I currently on a dairy, gluten, soy, and caffeine free diet. Most carbs I consume are complex carbohydrates (i.e. brown rice, buckwheat, etc.). I can't go on the Paleo diet (as much as I want to) because I am B12 deficient, anemic, plus I can't risk weight loss. Is my current diet in any way a substitute for going completely Paleo? I think cutting out dairy was a major component to help reduce inflammatory acne by itself. I'm sure my regimen and supplements don't hurt as well!

You can't be b12 defecient on Paleo, because of all the protein consumption. Unfortuentely, paleo states that grains, even complex ones, are bad for the body. Grains have evolved to try and not be eaten. They contain anti-nutrients and compounds which irritate our digestive system and cause low chronic inflammation. You can read books on this or look at studies.Grains have only become a staple of the human diet with the advent of the Agricultural Evolution. Prehistoric humans, which contain DNA equal to ours have survived on high fat-high protein diets with virtually no grain or dairy intake for millions of years. They have virtually no incidents of cancer, modern disease, and acne.

While, you're diet is certaintly better than eating french fries and donuts it is not completely Paleo and those carbs still affect insulin/nutrient uptake. Therefore, you will likely not experience the same level of results had you go on full paleo. If you still need carbs I suggest Oatmeal, Quinoa, and sweet potato(not white potato).

I've been paleo for almost two months now and my acne didn't start really improving Until I cut down on my sweet potato intake because that was the only starchy carb I was eating. I weight lift, so I was eating anywhere from 2-3 sweet potatoes a day to gain muscle. However, I cut it out for a couple of weeks to see if my skin would improve and it Did! I was only eating meats, healthy fats, low starchy veggies and the occasional strawberries. I tried eating another sweet potato twice this past week (one on monday and one on Thursday) and I got some minor under the skin bumps! On top of that, I got super bloated and was continuously burping for some time after AND I felt really sleepy. So, it seems like even sweet potatoes are out for me. I've read that even oats contain antinutrients and are gut irritating as well. I've tried reintroducing rice and got diarrhea for the entire day after. What's left for me to consume starchy carb wise for postworkout? Squash? It appears that any carb in general might not agree with me at this point. As for supplements, I'm currently taking cod liver oil, milk thistle extract, and a prenatal. I've also been extremely constipated so yesterday I started taking triphala and am going to drink some physillium husk. I still have yet to go to the restroom. We will see what happens!

Also wanted to add that on top of paleo, I've also been doing the autoimmune protocol which means no eggs, nuts, seeds, alcohol, NSAIDS and nightshades. I tried adding cayenne pepper in yesterday. My stomach didn't feel upset or anything so ill just have to wait several days to see if I break out from it as I heard there can be delayed reactions.

Paleo experts write in books for recommending paleo for athletes advocate sweet potatoes (as they are somehow paleo, while white potato isn't). If you can't tolerate that then just get your carbs from fruits and veggies. More bananas, peaches, apples, ect. Squash, cucumbers, mushrooms... I would avoid milk thistle. Don't worry to much about supplementation. High veggie/fruit diet contains many times the RDA values for minerals and vitamins. I, also, personally use Almond milk as a dairy substitute.

I've read in my paleo book, "It Starts with Food," that carbs from fruits aren't suitable postworkout because they refuel the liver, not the muscles so therefore they shouldn't be consumed postworkout because your muscles did the work, not your liver. That book also suggest that a sweet potato and some protein is ideal postworkout. So therefore, im screwed. Haha...why do you suggest i stop the milk thistle? I also forgot to mention that i drink about a tsp of apple cider vinegar with each meal as well and apply it topically. Seems to be helping some.

I don't think that is true. Fructose gets converted to the same substrates as glucose to go into cell mitochondria. Now, post workout, you will likely deplete muscle and liver glycogen. The body will first use the fructose to top off these stores, just like glucose, and then any excess will be used for energy needs or converted to fat. That is why you don't go crazy on fruit, even on paleo. I suggest you stop supplementation because you are young and on the paleo diet you will experience optimum health benefits from natural food. I would also read books such as "The Primal Blueprint" and anything by Loren Cordain.

here's a good place to start:

I'm going to read that book as soon as my friend lets me borrow it!smile.png Do you recommend a colon or liver cleanse at all? I was thinking of doing a little cleanse on my week vacation I have coming up. My digestion is horrible.

I have no experience with cleanses. I can't make a recommendation.

How was your digestion prior to all of this?

Whey protein and milk products always lead to a lot of farting and bloating along with acne. High carbs also cause water retention, making it worse. The general quality of my bathroom "experience" improved. No bloating, and my gut is less irratable.

For others reading this, I am going to post a pic as motivation of what can happen after you begin to eat right:

I dont have a before pic (fat) but here is an after:


I sustain this conditioning year round, effortlessly by following paleo.



Posted : 08/24/2013 11:55 am


It may well not be relevant but i think the OP may not have been totally honest with his posting of that photo:


You well be this Tinytrip guy but i doubt it.


You may well have a similar physique but one is led to question why you would bother to post fake photos in the first place.







I am all for this scientific, research based approach, but if Paleo is going to be brought up straight away then it is going to be discredited through bias straight away.


You do realise any "Diet" will most likely improve health markers simply through reduction of calorie consumption.


If most people eat something resembling a SAD type diet if you then put them on a diet that restricts many of the foodstuffs they normally eat they will most likely eat less.


If you consider most of the Worlds health problems are now lifestyle diseases through consuming too many calories / sedentary lifestyles [and obvs smoking drugs etc] if they stick to a diet and hence reduced calorie consumption then their health will likely then improve.



Is the fact whether something is meant to be eaten or not relevant?


The only "Food" that has evolved to be eaten is Fruit and arguably milk.

Fruit is delicious and full of sugars so animals eat it.


Grains and seeds may well not meant to be eaten but neither are the plants they come from.

You do realise many of the compounds/chemicals etc in plants that are supposedly good for us/ preventing cancer etc are the same things that the plants have evolved to stop us eating them?


You do realise there is no one paleo diet? People across the World are all adapted to eating different diets.



Posted : 08/24/2013 4:46 pm

It may well not be relevant but i think the OP may not have been totally honest with his posting of that photo:

You well be this Tinytrip guy but i doubt it.

You may well have a similar physique but one is led to question why you would bother to post fake photos in the first place.


I am all for this scientific, research based approach, but if Paleo is going to be brought up straight away then it is going to be discredited through bias straight away.

You do realise any "Diet" will most likely improve health markers simply through reduction of calorie consumption.

If most people eat something resembling a SAD type diet if you then put them on a diet that restricts many of the foodstuffs they normally eat they will most likely eat less.

If you consider most of the Worlds health problems are now lifestyle diseases through consuming too many calories / sedentary lifestyles [and obvs smoking drugs etc] if they stick to a diet and hence reduced calorie consumption then their health will likely then improve.

Is the fact whether something is meant to be eaten or not relevant?

The only "Food" that has evolved to be eaten is Fruit and arguably milk.

Fruit is delicious and full of sugars so animals eat it.

Grains and seeds may well not meant to be eaten but neither are the plants they come from.

You do realise many of the compounds/chemicals etc in plants that are supposedly good for us/ preventing cancer etc are the same things that the plants have evolved to stop us eating them?

You do realise there is no one paleo diet? People across the World are all adapted to eating different diets.

This is very true. I believe the compounds you are referring to are called "generally speaking" lectins. Lectins in grain-like products are supposedly much more dangerous than in plant products. But then again, my acne seemed to scar more after eating a lot of leafy greens... which makes no fking sense


Posted : 08/24/2013 7:58 pm

It may well not be relevant but i think the OP may not have been totally honest with his posting of that photo:

You well be this Tinytrip guy but i doubt it.

You may well have a similar physique but one is led to question why you would bother to post fake photos in the first place.


I am all for this scientific, research based approach, but if Paleo is going to be brought up straight away then it is going to be discredited through bias straight away.

You do realise any "Diet" will most likely improve health markers simply through reduction of calorie consumption.

If most people eat something resembling a SAD type diet if you then put them on a diet that restricts many of the foodstuffs they normally eat they will most likely eat less.

If you consider most of the Worlds health problems are now lifestyle diseases through consuming too many calories / sedentary lifestyles [and obvs smoking drugs etc] if they stick to a diet and hence reduced calorie consumption then their health will likely then improve.

Is the fact whether something is meant to be eaten or not relevant?

The only "Food" that has evolved to be eaten is Fruit and arguably milk.

Fruit is delicious and full of sugars so animals eat it.

Grains and seeds may well not meant to be eaten but neither are the plants they come from.

You do realise many of the compounds/chemicals etc in plants that are supposedly good for us/ preventing cancer etc are the same things that the plants have evolved to stop us eating them?

You do realise there is no one paleo diet? People across the World are all adapted to eating different diets.


OP, I hope that picture is of you and you didn't just pull that off of, because that would be pretty pathetic.

Major props to Carboholic; what possessed you to just google search that picture? You must be one skeptical sun of a gun.

Anyway, the picture is not all that impressive. If you eat 750 calories a day and do some pushups you will look like that. He is thin, but has very little muscle. Not to say that he's not healthy, but that physique is certainly not hard to achieve. WHICH makes it even funnier if you pulled that off of a different website.

I'm pretty sure you did lift the photo because I found the original poster of that picture, and he is a 30 year old that lives in the UK. Judging by his posts in that forum, you and him have COMPLETELY different writing styles and word diction.

Your info is good, the picture was google searched. No need to do that man, the info you provided was excellent.


Posted : 08/25/2013 3:49 pm

It may well not be relevant but i think the OP may not have been totally honest with his posting of that photo:

You well be this Tinytrip guy but i doubt it.

You may well have a similar physique but one is led to question why you would bother to post fake photos in the first place.


I am all for this scientific, research based approach, but if Paleo is going to be brought up straight away then it is going to be discredited through bias straight away.

You do realise any "Diet" will most likely improve health markers simply through reduction of calorie consumption.

If most people eat something resembling a SAD type diet if you then put them on a diet that restricts many of the foodstuffs they normally eat they will most likely eat less.

If you consider most of the Worlds health problems are now lifestyle diseases through consuming too many calories / sedentary lifestyles [and obvs smoking drugs etc] if they stick to a diet and hence reduced calorie consumption then their health will likely then improve.

Is the fact whether something is meant to be eaten or not relevant?

The only "Food" that has evolved to be eaten is Fruit and arguably milk.

Fruit is delicious and full of sugars so animals eat it.

Grains and seeds may well not meant to be eaten but neither are the plants they come from.

You do realise many of the compounds/chemicals etc in plants that are supposedly good for us/ preventing cancer etc are the same things that the plants have evolved to stop us eating them?

You do realise there is no one paleo diet? People across the World are all adapted to eating different diets.


OP, I hope that picture is of you and you didn't just pull that off of, because that would be pretty pathetic.

Major props to Carboholic; what possessed you to just google search that picture? You must be one skeptical sun of a gun.

Anyway, the picture is not all that impressive. If you eat 750 calories a day and do some pushups you will look like that. He is thin, but has very little muscle. Not to say that he's not healthy, but that physique is certainly not hard to achieve. WHICH makes it even funnier if you pulled that off of a different website.

I'm pretty sure you did lift the photo because I found the original poster of that picture, and he is a 30 year old that lives in the UK. Judging by his posts in that forum, you and him have COMPLETELY different writing styles and word diction.

Your info is good, the picture was google searched. No need to do that man, the info you provided was excellent.

Is this a joke? I consume 2k. + calories a day and do more than just "some pushups" and I cannot gain a single lb of muscle or weight


Posted : 08/25/2013 5:25 pm

The man in the picture does not really have any significant muscle mass, he's just really skinny.


And yeah, definetly not a joke. If you want some workout help, shoot me a PM describing what your goals are, what your diet is like, and your workout routine. It's very easy to spend lots of time and energy working out with little to show for it; I see it all the time with people in my gym.


Posted : 08/25/2013 7:43 pm


Everyone needs to figure out what food their skin rebels against. For some it may not even be food related!



Also lol to the pic and all its comments


Posted : 09/02/2013 1:54 pm


I got an email saying the op had replied to me but it doesn't seem to be here.


My post aimed at the op was pointless and i don't really know why i did it, i must have had too much time on my hands.

I do not use that 4chan site op, i think i looked at it once but it looked kind of weird to me and i didn't understand what was going on.


I actually thing this is a good thread and exactly the type of discussion that can help people and lead to more answers on what is "causing" acne.



Unlike many of the threads on here this type of discussion has the potential to lead somewhere. People just need to try and break through the dogma.


